J. STILL THINKING ABOUT TRIAL Many hackers may remember the Craig Neidorf case over the famous 911 System Operation documents. Craig won his case when it was discovered that the manual in question, that he had published in Phrack magazine, was not proprietary as claimed but available publicly from AT&T. It was an egg in the face day for the Secret Service. Don't be misled by this. The government learned a lot from this fiasco and even with the laudable support from the EFF, Craig narrowly thwarted off a conviction. Regardless, it was a trying experience (no pun intended) for him and his attorneys. Th e point I'm trying to make is that it's tough to beat the Feds. They play dirty and will do just about anything, including lie, to win their case. If you want to really win you need to know how they build a case in the first place. K. SEARCH AND SEIZURE
There is a document entitled "Federal Guidelines For Searching And Seizing Computers." It first came to my attention when it was published in the 12-21-94 edition of the Criminal Law Reporter by the Bureau of National Affairs (Cite as 56 CRL 2023 ) . It's an intriguing collection of tips, cases, mistakes and, in general, how to bust computer hackers. It's recommended reading. Search and seizure is an ever evolving jurisprudence. What's not permissible today may, through some convoluted Supreme Court logic, be permissible and legal tomorrow. Again, a complete treatment of this subject is beyond the scope of this paper. But suffice it to say if a Federal agent wants to walk right into your bedroom and seize all of your computer equipment without a warrant he could do it by simply saying he had probable cause (PC). PC is anything that gives him an inkling to believe you we re committing a crime. Police have been known to find PC to search a car when the trunk sat too low to the ground or the high beams were always on. L. SURVEILLANCE AND WIRETAPS Fortunately the Feds still have to show a little restraint when wielding their wiretaps. It requires a court order and they have to show that there is no other way to obtain the information they seek, a last resort if you will. Wiretaps are also expensive to operate. They have to lease lines from the phone company, pay agents to monitor it 24 hours a day and then transcribe it. If we are talking about a data tap, there are additional costs. Expensive interception/translation equipment must be in place to negotiate the various modem speeds. Then the data has to be stored, deciphered, decompressed, formatted, protocoled, etc. It's a daunting task and usually reserved for only the highest profile cases. If the Feds can seize the data from any other so urce, like the service provider or victim, they will take that route. I don't know what they hate worse though, asking for outside help or wasting valuable internal resources. The simplest method is to enlist the help of an informant who will testify "I saw him do it!," then obtain a search warrant to seize the evidence on your computer. Ba da boom, ba da busted. Other devices include a pen register which is a device that logs every digit you dial on your phone and the length of the calls, both incoming and outgoing. The phone companies keep racks of them at their security departments. They can place one on your line within a day if they feel you are defrauding them. They don't need a court order, but the Feds do. A trap, or trap and trace, is typically any method the phone company uses to log every number that calls a particular number. This can be done on the switching system level or via a billing database search. The Feds need a court order for this information too. However, I've heard stories of cooperative telco security investigations passing the information along to an agent. Naturally that would be a "harmless error while acting in good faith." (legal humor) I'd love to tell you more about FBI wiretaps but this is as far as I can go without pissing them off. Everything I've told you thus far is public knowledge. So I think I'll stop here. If you really want to know more, catch Kevin Poulsen (Dark Dante ) at a cocktail party, buy him a Coke and he'll give you an earful. (hacker humor) In closing this subpart I will say that most electronic surveillance is backed up with at least part-time physical surveillance. The Feds are often good at following people around. They like late model mid-sized American cars, very stock, with no decals or bumper stickers. If you really want to know if you're under surveillance, buy an Opto-electronics Scout or Xplorer frequency counter. Hide it on your person, stick an ear plug in your ear (for the Xplorer) and take it everywhere you go. If you he ar people talking about you, or you continue to hear intermittent static (encrypted speech), you probably have a problem. M. YOUR PRESENTENCE INVESTIGATION REPORT, PSI OR PSR After you plead guilty you will be dragged from the quiet and comfort of your prison cell to meet with a probation officer. This has absolutely nothing to do with getting probation. Quite the contrary. The P.O. is empowered by the court to prepare a complete and, in theory, unbiased profile of the defendant. Everything from education, criminal history, psychological behavior, offense characteristics plus more will be included in this voluminous and painfully detailed report about your life. Every little dirty scrap of information that makes you look like a sociopathic, demon worshiping, loathsome criminal will be included in this report. They'll put a few negative things in there as well. My advice is simple. Be careful what you tell them. Have your attorney present and think about how what you say can be used against you. Here's an example: P.O.: Tell me about your education and what you like to do in your spare time. Mr. Steal: I am preparing to enroll in my final year of college. In my spare time I work for charity helping orphan children. The PSR then reads "Mr. Steal has never completed his education and hangs around with little children in his spare time."
Get the picture? J. PROCEEDING PRO SE Pro Se or Pro Per is when a defendant represents himself. A famous lawyer once said "a man that represents himself has a fool for a client." Truer words were never spoken. However, I can't stress how important it is to fully understand the criminal justice system. Even if you have a great attorney it's good to be able to keep an eye on him or even help out. An educated client's help can be of enormous benefit to an attorney. They may think you're a pain in the ass but it's your life. Take a hold of it. Regardless, representing yourself is generally a mistake. However, after your appeal, when your court appointed attorney runs out on you, or you have run out of funds, you will be forced to handle matters yourself. At this point there are legal avenues, although quite bleak, for post-conviction relief. But I digress. The best place to start in understanding the legal system lies in three inexpensive books. First the Federal Sentencing Guidelines ($14.00) and Federal Criminal Codes and Rules ($20.00) are available from West Publishing at 800-328-9 352. I consider possession of these books to be mandatory for any pretrial inmate. Second would be the Georgetown Law Journal, available from Georgetown University Bookstore in Washington, DC. The book sells for around $40.00 but if you write them a letter and tell them you're a Pro Se litigant they will send it for free. And last but not least the definitive Pro Se authority, "The Prisoners Self Help Litigation Manual" $29.95 ISBN 0-379-20831-8. Or try http://www.oceanalaw.com/books/n148.htm O. EVIDENTIARY HEARING If you disagree with some of the information presented in the presentence report (PSR) you may be entitled to a special hearing. This can be instrumental in lowering your sentence or correcting your PSR. One important thing to know is that your PSR will follow you the whole time you are incarcerated. The Bureau of Prisons uses the PSR to decide how to handle you. This can affect your security level, your halfway house, your eligibility for the drug program (which gives you a year off your sentence) ,and your medical care. So make sure your PSR is accurate before you get sentenced! P. GETTING YOUR PROPERTY BACK In most cases it will be necessary to formally ask the court to have your property returned. They are not going to just call you up and say "Do you want this Sparc Station back or what?" No, they would just as soon keep it and not asking for it is as good as telling them they can have it. You will need to file a 41(e) "Motion For Return Of Property." The courts' authority to keep your stuff is not always clear and will have to be taken on a case-by-case basis. They may not care and the judge will simply order that it be returned. If you don't know how to write a motion, just send a formal letter to the judge asking for it back. Tell him you need it for your job. This should suffice, but there may be a filing fee. |