I had a dream that the lab I work in was rearranged completely differently and I had people in my classes working with me that I haven't hung out with since middle school or college. |
There are no conversations. |
David Eagleman |
I know one lab that studies nicotine receptors and all the scientists are smokers, and another lab that studies impulse control and they're all overweight. |
Katie Featherston |
I have plenty of dream roles because there is so much I want to do, but my dream year would be to be in a single-camera comedy and then, on my hiatus, film a little low-budget indie drama. That would be a dream 12-month period. A dream role depends on having good material and working with people that I can learn from. |
Robin Williams |
We had gay burglars the other night. They broke in and rearranged the furniture. |
Kyle Abraham |
Middle and high school is a time of people telling you who you are before you know who you are. I was in advanced classes at Frick and Schenley, and people would say I was trying to be white because of the way I spoke. Or they'd say I was gay. |
Henry Louis Gates |
It's not white versus black any more, it's haves versus have-nots. Unless the black middle-classes unite to promote the interests of the black underclass, tension between them is inevitable. What we, the black middle class have to do, is think of a strategy to avert that. |
Anne Bancroft |
If you marry the wrong person for the wrong reasons, then no matter how hard you work, it's never going to work, because then you have to completely change yourself, completely change them, completely - by that time, you're both dead. |
Peter Facinelli |
Everyone has a different path. I knew no one in the acting industry growing up. I never did a play until college. I was not outspoken when I was younger and I hated being the center of attention. But I had a dream of being an actor. I went to NYU and studied theatre. I learned a craft. And began my career straight out of college. |
Anthony Edwards |
I'm the youngest of five kids, and I wanted attention. And in Santa Barbara, there was lots of theater going on, so for that area, it was a little bit like playing Little League baseball. There were dance classes, theater classes, and I just loved it. |
David Eagleman |
My lab and academic work fill my day from about 9 am to 7 p.m. Then I zoom out the lens to work on my other writing. |
Orson Scott Card |
I fell into playwriting accidentally, took some classes in it, and also took creative writing classes, but I really didn't expect it to be a career because I didn't believe there was a way to make money as a playwright without being lucky and I didn't feel particularly lucky. |
I had a dream that I went back to high school to take some easy credits that would apply to grad school. Some of my friends I went to high school with also decided to go back for the same reasons, but they weren't in any of my classes. One of the three classes I was taking was Calc 3, but I wasn't doing very well after the first exam (which did happen in real life). Going about the school day did not feel right. Something about the way the building was constructed was wrong.. but I could not figure out why I felt that way. My favorite part of each school day was during lunch in the cafeteria because there was a DJ and great food (also similar to real life). One day around 10AM I was wandering around my parent's backyard when I panicked. I realized that I had not been to school in a while... like in two months and I couldn't remember why I stopped going. I sprinted up to the house and i...
There are a lot of things that would work instead. Depends on what you need. Depends on how you learn. Do you need college to learn? That's a different question than "do you need college". Different Universities have different atmospheres. I knew I could learn anything I wanted reading textbooks and recently published papers, but when you live somewhere where no one cares it's kind of depressing. That was one of the motivating factors for why I chose to go to graduate school.
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I had a dream that I had two dogs and I lived in this apartment with this guy that looks like some guy I haven't seen since elementary school. He knew this kid somehow and the kid was being kidnapped. I tried to stop the kidnapper and I got shot. Also, at some point in the dream I was eating an onion like it was an apple... and also this old guy was there and he looked like my great grandpa.
my loan sites convert more in the middle of the week. im guessing thats because paychecks come in at the end of the week and at the beginning of the week, people havent run out of their money yet
I had a dream that I was at a school and there was a kid who I think was a criminal of some sort. He was trying to get the principal of the school to do something for him and the principal refused. This kid then went nuts and started throwing desks and stuff everywhere. For some reason, there was a jail attached to the school. The kid had done something wrong to a bunch of people in jail and the warden decided they could temporarily let them out to get their revenge. Then this kid was running around and hiding in the school and these criminals were trying to hunt him down. He got cornered at some point and got shanked. He died. Then the criminals started just murdering each other and other kids at the school.
For those interested in auditing and taking real college classes or other modes of self-learning, this website is invaluable. noexcuselist.com
"I've had to live my life pretending that I'm colorblind."
One day in middle school, we were doing something with colors, I cant remember what but it had to do with colors, so I turned to the girl next to me and said as a joke, "Which one of these is blue? I'm colorblind.", while holding up 3 markers that weren't even close to blue. But here's the catch, she actually thought that I was colorblind, so she points out what the blue one was and we go on with our day. Or so I thought. About a week later someone is talking about uno, and I remember this because this was one of the weirdest conversations I've had with someone. So were talking about uno, and the girl goes, "Cal, you must be a shitty uno player because you're colorblind.", so everyone starts asking about it and I have to come up ...
My resignation letter I haven't sent yet: llo Ryan,
I regret to inform you my leaving of the company. I am mentally drained to the point where I no longer feel productive here. I have arrived at the conclusion that I cannot work on computers this much in a routine schedule.
I would love to work something out in the future, I think we have done great work together, however I can no longer continue this job. Sitting for 8 hours, 5 days a week, is something I just cannot do, regardless of location. ...
Malware Developer Who Used Spam Botnet To Pay For College Gets No Prison Time (bleepingcomputer.com)
An anonymous reader writes: The operator of a 77,000-strong spam botnet was sentenced to two years probation and no prison time after admitting his crime and completely reforming his life. The former botnet operator is now working for a cybersecurity company, and admitted his actions as soon as the FBI knocked on his door back in 2013. The botnet operator, a 29-year-old from Santa Clara, California, says he was tricked by fellow co-schemers who told him they were not doing anything wrong by infecting computers with malware because they were not accessing private information such as banking...
I think you may be overlooking just how wrong people can be about what interests them. The requirements of my undergrad are what made me even consider trying out computer science in the first place. I would probably be an elementary school teacher by now if it weren't for my lab science requirement. Also, college provides some small form of quality control for the instructors. Not a lot, but certainly more than a decentralized network.
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