"Women can tell if yu cheatn by the way yu hit it...never everever hit it like its gne b there tomorrow, beat dat cat like you bouta do a life sentence" #QFBFB |
There are no conversations. |
Greg Iles |
I have not written a perfect sentence, in the literary sense. It's a lot easier to throw a perfect pass than to write a perfect sentence, if that sentence is meant to perform more than a mechanical function. |
Antonio Banderas |
Cats are very independent animals. They're very sexy, if you want. Dogs are different. They're familiar. They're obedient. You call a cat, you go, 'Cat, come here.' He doesn't come to you unless you have something in your hand that he thinks might be food. They're very free animals, and I like that. |
William S. Burroughs |
A cat's rage is beautiful, burning with pure cat flame, all its hair standing up and crackling blue sparks, eyes blazing and sputtering. |
Harriet Tubman |
As I lay so sick on my bed, from Christmas till March, I was always praying for poor ole master. 'Pears like I didn't do nothing but pray for ole master. 'Oh, Lord, convert ole master;' 'Oh, dear Lord, change dat man's heart, and make him a Christian.' |
Michel de Montaigne |
In nine lifetimes, you'll never know as much about your cat as your cat knows about you. |
Jim Bakker |
I write about it in the book and, you know, explain that. But that was the technicality that actually got my sentence reduced - that Alan Dershowitz used to have my sentence - it came down eventually to eight years. |
William S. Burroughs |
The cat does not offer services. The cat offers itself. Of course he wants care and shelter. You don't buy love for nothing. |
George Carlin |
'I am' is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that 'I do' is the longest sentence? |
Lorraine Adams |
I write sentence to sentence. That's the kind of writer I am. I don't have a plot when I begin. I have to be convinced and I have to be surprised. |
Stephen Baker |
To bathe a cat takes brute force, perseverance, courage of conviction - and a cat. The last ingredient is usually hardest to come by. |
"If imma marry a women wit kids, she gne have be willin to to donate 2 mo kids to the game" #qfbfb
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Desiigner Bought the "Panda" Beat on YouTube for $200 In 2014, an English producer sold a beat for $200 to some guy in NYC. Two years later he was getting a call from Kanye West.
If you let yourself be hypnotized by the 'glamorous life' and the unrealistic expectations of modern culture, you could wake up tomorrow with an empty wallet or a melted credit card. You should not overspend right now, no matter how easy it may be to justify or rationalize doing so. Layaway plans, big sales and enticing rebate offers are all just tricks to get you to part ways with your hard-earned money -- but you're too smart to fall for any of these ploys, right?
"#1 women being with women is starting to take over because they met too many of YOU now they so straight that they ain't straight "
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I had a dream that an old friend tried to kill me. We were outside and he was watering the garden in the middle of winter, like a psycho, and he started pointing the hose at this groundhog. I was like "what the hell man, don't freeze that groundhog" and he got really pissed at me and he was way stronger than in real life for some reason. He beat up my other friend that tried to calm him down. Just like-- pummeling him with his fists and then I ran upstairs to hide in this room and he started punching the door down. I haven't talked to this kid in years.
what is today, but yesterday's tomorrow
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I had a dream last night about my meeting tomorrow. It didn't go well.
haha well that sounds fucking cool. they say prepare for tomorrow
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How do I get sentence embeddings to answer this for me
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oogle's Voice-Generating AI Is Now Indistinguishable From Humans Anonymous Coward 6 hours ago 75 An anonymous reader quotes a report from Quartz: A research paper published by Google this month -- which has not been peer reviewed -- details a text-to-speech system called Tacotron 2, which claims near-human accuracy at imitating audio of a person speaking from text. The system is Google's second official generation of the technology, which consists of two deep neural networks. The first network translates the text into a spectrogram (pdf), a visual way to represent audio frequencies over time. That spectrogram is then fed into WaveNet, a system from Alphabet's AI research lab DeepMind, which reads the chart and generates the corresponding audio elements accordingly. The Google researchers ...