i dont believe i owe anything to the world, but to people from it |
Jace |
Dec. 16, 2013, 1:33 a.m. |
Audrey Hepburn |
I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles. |
Audrey Hepburn |
I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles. |
Dennis Cardoza |
We owe our troops more than rhetoric; we owe them a real plan. The Administration has yet to put forward a strategy for achieving stability in Iraq, ending the conflict, and handing over sovereignty to the people of Iraq and the new Iraqi government. |
Andre Gide |
I owe much to my friends; but, all things considered, it strikes me that I owe even more to my enemies. The real person springs life under a sting even better than under a caress. |
Jeff Garlin |
The only thing that I demand of the audience is that they listen to what I'm saying. Other than that, they owe me nothing. They don't owe me a thing. |
Louis Farrakhan |
Because wherever I am today, I still owe it to God and I owe it to two men - the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X and of course, two very special women, my mother and my wife. |
Bertrand Russell |
I believe in using words, not fists. I believe in my outrage knowing people are living in boxes on the street. I believe in honesty. I believe in a good time. I believe in good food. I believe in sex. |
Bob Feller |
I don't think baseball owes colored people anything. I don't think colored people owe baseball anything, either. |
Harvey Fierstein |
I do believe we're all connected. I do believe in positive energy. I do believe in the power of prayer. I do believe in putting good out into the world. And I believe in taking care of each other. |
Jonathan Haidt |
People can believe pretty much whatever they want to believe about moral and political issues, as long as some other people near them believe it, so you have to focus on indirect methods to change what people want to believe. |
They wanna know if I claim the click, that I'm hangin with and if I'm down with this bangin shit Well homie I don't give a fuck if you Blood or Cuz Long as ya got love for thugs But don't try to test me out, stall that Homie this is Thug Life nigga and we all strapped I been through, Hell and back, and if I, fell black ...
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I'm not sure if I can be mad at some of them. I feel like they haven't learned how to be self-aware or thoughtful. It's hard for me to make the distinction between something that I should be mad about and something that is just sad that they don't know... like who do I blame for that?
Regardless, I agree the world would be a better place if people were more thoughtful.
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I had a dream that there was a dollhouse or something and that people in the real world could be put in the dollhouse and they'd be like copies of the people. Inside the dollhouse, there were these giant slug things that would latch on to people and suck the life out of them. The people were trying to escape. They thought that they were the real people and didn't know that they were copies.
Something that is hard to reconcile is the experience of impersonal and personal love. Nature is very impersonal, and affection is very personal. I think often we confuse affection with love. We create exclusive relationships with others that often get overrided by our natural instincts- maybe a loving relationship is sabotaged bc someone ?fitter? in many ways came along and appealed to you as an animal. And then we say ?I thought we loved each other!? People use affection to justify all sorts of sacrifices and nature to justify all sorts of cruelty. Still, the world goes round and love exists on both a personal and impersonal level. You love your sister and you love the atoms which make up your sister which also make up the table in your kitchen and your worst enemy. And you experience that love by the same source that also allows you to evaluate which people and activities are worth your energy and which you reject. I don?t think reality is a matter of love vs. nature- - I don?t thi...
I'm not sure. I do think its more likely that those born in money have an attitude that they're family is smarter and harder working than the less fortunate. But they certainly didn't make their fortune giving money away. But those who don't have money probably don't share their money either. But I think they would better understand what being in the bottom of the 99% lives like.
It really comes down more to how one was raised. People who are raised well are just good people. You don't see shitty snobby kids from parents that teach lessons and enforce boundaries. ...
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I think this probably works well for people who don't have ADHD as well. I've heard of people putting on videos of the inside of an office building and just seeing and hearing people in cubicles puts them in that mindset I guess.
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Without a means of communicating (not necessarily internet) I think people in different regions would develop significantly differently. I can go to the other side of the world and find people that have seen the same news as me, are aware of the same advances in science and technology, and have some awareness of their culture. It'd be like having a bunch of little worlds on the same planet.
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Dude or dudette, I have trouble with this all the time. My thoughts is that EVERYONE is capable of being considerate and bettering themselves but they just don't care. However I think after years or decades of not giving a shit about anyone but themselves, they get stuck in that mindset. Nurture is so important because as we know most people tend not to change thaaat much, so if they are being raised well then they end up having these lifelong values stuck with them.
I've seen tons of people who seem incapable of considering others, but I find that at least some reflect on their actions, but when they are in the thick of it, don't consider or reflect on those thoughts, which I get, it's hard to be active and reflect at the same time. ...
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If we were born in this world, don't we owe our lives to it?
George Carlin : Think for a moment about the concept of the flamethrower. Okay? The flamethrower. Because we have them. Well, *we* don't have them, the army has them. That's right. We don't have any flamethrowers. I'd say we're fucked if we have to go up against the army, wouldn't you? But we have flamethrowers. And what this indicates to me, it means that at some point, some person said to himself, "Gee, I sure would like to set those people on fire over there. But I'm way too far away to get the job done. If only I had something that would throw flame on them." Well, it might have ended right there, but he mentioned it to his friend. His friend who was good with tools. And about a month later, he was back. "Hey, quite a concept!" WHHOOOOOOOOSSHHH! And of course the army heard about it, and they came around. "We'd like to buy about five hundred-thousand of them please. We have some people we'd like to throw flame on. Give us five hundred thousand and paint them dark brown. We don't w...