steampunk concept: cyberpunk goes steampunk after an emp |
There are no conversations. |
Meister Eckhart |
Man goes far away or near but God never goes far-off; he is always standing close at hand, and even if he cannot stay within he goes no further than the door. |
Pope John Paul II |
As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live. |
Elliott Abrams |
Libya as a country is a relatively new concept. The period of Libya as a modern nation really starts after World War II. |
Maria Callas |
An opera begins long before the curtain goes up and ends long after it has come down. It starts in my imagination, it becomes my life, and it stays part of my life long after I've left the opera house. |
Michael Easton |
I've been on so many primetime shows that were cancelled - after one episode, after 10 episodes, after just one season. I got used to that. But I found myself choking up a bit at 'OLTL.' It was really hard to say goodbye to those people. It was not the way we wanted to go out. |
Colin Powell |
Never let your ego get so close to your position that when your position goes, your ego goes with it. |
Erma Bombeck |
When humor goes, there goes civilization. |
Joyce Meyer |
Consider a tree for a moment. As beautiful as trees are to look at, we don't see what goes on underground - as they grow roots. Trees must develop deep roots in order to grow strong and produce their beauty. But we don't see the roots. We just see and enjoy the beauty. In much the same way, what goes on inside of us is like the roots of a tree. |
Martin Luther |
The will is a beast of burden. If God mounts it, it wishes and goes as God wills; if Satan mounts it, it wishes and goes as Satan wills; Nor can it choose its rider... the riders contend for its possession. |
Nelson Mandela |
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. |
i should write some steampunk
George Carlin : Think for a moment about the concept of the flamethrower. Okay? The flamethrower. Because we have them. Well, *we* don't have them, the army has them. That's right. We don't have any flamethrowers. I'd say we're fucked if we have to go up against the army, wouldn't you? But we have flamethrowers. And what this indicates to me, it means that at some point, some person said to himself, "Gee, I sure would like to set those people on fire over there. But I'm way too far away to get the job done. If only I had something that would throw flame on them." Well, it might have ended right there, but he mentioned it to his friend. His friend who was good with tools. And about a month later, he was back. "Hey, quite a concept!" WHHOOOOOOOOSSHHH! And of course the army heard about it, and they came around. "We'd like to buy about five hundred-thousand of them please. We have some people we'd like to throw flame on. Give us five hundred thousand and paint them dark brown. We don't w...
just because your "not doing anything wrong" doesnt mean that you dont deserve privacy. why cant people comprehend this concept?
Mars One plans to establish the first human settlement on Mars. According to their April 2013 schedule, the first crew of four astronauts would arrive on Mars in 2025, after a seven-month journey from Earth. Additional teams would join the settlement every two years, with the intention that by 2033 there would be over twenty people living and working on Mars.[citation needed] The astronaut selection process began on 22 April 2013.[11]
As of April 2013, the astronaut selection process was expected by Mars One to be completed in July 2015; six teams of four.[11]
In December 2013, mission conc...
Weiser called Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Attorney Dana Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson the “three witches” and said the GOP needs to make sure “they are ready for the burning at the stake.”
Bees Can Link Symbols To Numbers, Study Finds (phys.org)
Researchers have trained honeybees to match a character to a specific quantity, revealing they are able to learn that a symbol represents a numerical amount. The discovery, from the same Australian-French team that found bees get the concept of zero and can do simple arithmetic, also points to new approaches for bio-inspired computing that can replicate the brain's highly efficient approach to processing. Associate Professor Adrian Dyer said while humans were the only species to have developed systems to represent numbers, like the Arabic numerals we use each day, the research shows the concept can be grasped by brains far smaller ...
Honeybees Seem To Understand the Notion of Zero, Study Finds
A new study published in the journal Science finds honeybees are able to understand the concept of zero numerosity, joining the ranks of dolphins, parrots, and primates. Sci-News.com reports: The study authors set out to test the honeybee on its understanding, marking individual honeybees for easy identification and luring them to a specially-designed testing apparatus. The bees were trained to choose an image with the lowest number of elements in order to receive a reward of sugar solution. For example, the bees learned to choose three elements when presented with three vs. four; or two elements when presented with two vs. thre...
Sunglasses That Block All the Screens Around You
Scott Blew, an entrepreneur and engineer, recalled an article he'd recently read in WIRED about a new kind of film that blocked the light emitted from screens. He wondered if the same technology might work on a pair of glasses, to block the screens that seemed to be everywhere. From a report: He contacted Steelcase, the company that made the Casper screen-bloc...
Experimental Device Generates Electricity From the Coldness of the Universe (phys.org)
An international team of scientists has demonstrated for the first time that it is possible to generate a measurable amount of electricity in a diode directly from the coldness of the universe. The infrared semiconductor device faces the sky and uses the temperature difference between Earth and space to produce the electricity. In contrast to leveraging incoming energy as a normal solar cell would, the negative illumination effect allows electrical energy to be harvested as heat leaves a surface. Today's technology, though, does not capture energy over these negative temperature differences as efficiently. By pointing their device toward space, whose temperature approaches mere degrees from absolute ze...
With all the information coming out in recent years about geoengineering, or chemtrails, we must begin to ask ourselves certain questions about the impacts on our health, our food, and our planet. There are obvious human-health-related and planetary-ecosystem-related implications to being ?crop-dusted? with heavy metals and chemicals daily. Let?s also ask ourselves an imperative question here: When we buy ?organic? food, are we really buying what we think we?re buying (i.e. pure, nutrient dense food)? Defining healthfully-grown food in the geoengineering era
Is the ?organic? label really worth as much as years past, before heavy and daily geoengineering? Organic food is grown without the u...
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