i totally just heard a cat murder a cat |
There are no conversations. |
JP |
Oct. 16, 2013, 10:42 p.m. |
Jim Morrison |
The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They force us to destroy the person we really are: a subtle kind of murder. |
Antonio Banderas |
Cats are very independent animals. They're very sexy, if you want. Dogs are different. They're familiar. They're obedient. You call a cat, you go, 'Cat, come here.' He doesn't come to you unless you have something in your hand that he thinks might be food. They're very free animals, and I like that. |
Michel de Montaigne |
In nine lifetimes, you'll never know as much about your cat as your cat knows about you. |
Stephen Baker |
To bathe a cat takes brute force, perseverance, courage of conviction - and a cat. The last ingredient is usually hardest to come by. |
William S. Burroughs |
The cat does not offer services. The cat offers itself. Of course he wants care and shelter. You don't buy love for nothing. |
William S. Burroughs |
A cat's rage is beautiful, burning with pure cat flame, all its hair standing up and crackling blue sparks, eyes blazing and sputtering. |
Eric Balfour |
I think 'Game Of Thrones' has been genius, and I really don't want it to end. Every episode is huge. It's totally immense, and the actors are all fantastic in it. It has totally drawn me in. |
Herman Cain |
I would have to have people totally committed to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of this United States. And many of the Muslims, they are not totally dedicated to this country. They are not dedicated to our Constitution. Many of them are trying to force Sharia law on the people of this country. |
Robert Anton Wilson |
The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental. |
James Iha |
So there was something of a learning curve with doing your own thing and people seeing you outside of the band. I mean, people have never really heard my voice before - or heard a whole record of mine before. So it was a completely new experience. |