My cat has stinky farts today :( |
There are no conversations. |
Antonio Banderas |
Cats are very independent animals. They're very sexy, if you want. Dogs are different. They're familiar. They're obedient. You call a cat, you go, 'Cat, come here.' He doesn't come to you unless you have something in your hand that he thinks might be food. They're very free animals, and I like that. |
Michel de Montaigne |
In nine lifetimes, you'll never know as much about your cat as your cat knows about you. |
Stephen Baker |
To bathe a cat takes brute force, perseverance, courage of conviction - and a cat. The last ingredient is usually hardest to come by. |
William S. Burroughs |
The cat does not offer services. The cat offers itself. Of course he wants care and shelter. You don't buy love for nothing. |
William S. Burroughs |
A cat's rage is beautiful, burning with pure cat flame, all its hair standing up and crackling blue sparks, eyes blazing and sputtering. |
Dale Carnegie |
Today is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto. |
Henry Ward Beecher |
No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy today, mix good cheer with friends today enjoy it and bless God for it. |
Anita Baker |
Chris Brown is brilliant. That cat is crazy brilliant, and I wish him the best. |
Antonio Banderas |
If you call a cat, he may not come. Which doesn't happen with dogs. They're different types of animals. Cats are very sexy I think too in the way they move. |
Carroll Baker |
The big one I missed out on was 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.' MGM wanted me for it, and Warner Bros. wouldn't give me permission to do it. |