I had a dream that my friends couldn't get birth control for their cats and they were really concerned about this new awful law that was passed to prevent them from getting it. |
There are no conversations. |
Edmund Burke |
There is but one law for all, namely that law which governs all law, the law of our Creator, the law of humanity, justice, equity - the law of nature and of nations. |
Javier Camara |
There is some information that an actor doesn't need, and that's okay. I can't control everything. I don't want to control everything. Sometimes, you want to control everything, and you want to know the size of the lens and stuff like that. I am so relaxed as an actor because I don't want to control everything. I just want to control my part. |
Gilbert K. Chesterton |
The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. |
Ernest Istook |
I think it's awful that the state of Oklahoma a couple of years ago passed this law to give the same tuition to illegals as they do to people who are residents of Oklahoma. I think it's wrong. |
David Agus |
I believe we can prevent or delay most disease until the 9th or 10th decade. The goal is to prevent anything that can affect your quality of life prior to those years! By the time many of us get to the 9th or 10th decade, who knows where the new medical and science will take us? I am an optimist! |
Ellen DeGeneres |
We have two dogs, Mabel and Wolf, and three cats at home, Charlie, George and Chairman. We have two cats on our farm, Tom and Little Sister, two horses, and two mini horses, Hannah and Tricky. We also have two cows, Holy and Madonna. And those are only the animals we let sleep in our bed. |
Ina May Gaskin |
I know of no country in the world that has passed a law specifically denying a woman's right to choose where she intends to give birth. |
Henry James |
Cats and monkeys; monkeys and cats; all human life is there. |
Katie Featherston |
I have plenty of dream roles because there is so much I want to do, but my dream year would be to be in a single-camera comedy and then, on my hiatus, film a little low-budget indie drama. That would be a dream 12-month period. A dream role depends on having good material and working with people that I can learn from. |
Sergio Garcia |
Whether it's golf or writing, you have friends, and then you have 'friends' friends. Friends who are like family. I can count my close friends on two hands, which is good, I think. That's a lot. Some are at home in Spain, others are elsewhere, and some are in golf. |
I had some wacky dreams. I had one where some elderly people were going to get murdered and I somehow knew this but couldn't prevent it. Then I think there was something about cats wearing clothes and then one other dream where I was running around wearing this creepy mask and no shirt in this huge auditorium with dream-like structural integrity.
Oh god, I had a dream that I gave birth after witnessing like 10 other women miscarry/have abortions. Then I was like, "What the fuck? How did I get this far along in a pregnancy without thinking about the consequences? FUUUUUCK." But I accepted it as fact and started trying to figure out what the implications were for my relationship and moving out to the west coast. Then I woke up and realized none of it was true, and it was a relief but still mortifying. This is the second "giving birth oh god how did I not consider the consequences" dream I've had. They're awful.
I had a dream I lived in Okemos and I met two stray cats and I let them in my house and one of them couldn't open one of his eyes and I called him Squinty. I called the other one Wimpy for some reason. I gave them apples and cucumbers and for some reason they really liked eating the apples. Then I let them outside and they joined a pack of stray cats and ran away.
I had a dream where I biked to a party with a couple friends, but I forgot cash and couldn't get in. The friends couldn't get in, either, because the people hosting the party were racist and they were black. We started to bike home all the way from Detroit (I have no idea where home was, but it was far from Detroit), and I almost ended up in a ditch. While trying not to fall into the ditch, I saw a baby rattlesnake there, which made me panic and nearly knock myself over. (I found out that there are rattlesnakes in California when I biked past two of them over the weekend, which is probably why this dream was rattlesnake themed).
I had a dream that there were storms all over earth all the time. It was like non-stop hail and high wind and rain and earthquakes. I was at my parent's house and their house was okay somehow but everyone had died except for me and the cats. My parents' spirits were possessing my cats and trying to help me survive but I didn't know it was my parents. I just thought my cats were really smart and helpful suddenly.
also cats in dreams can symbolize vulnerability - specifically your cat wimpy. cats are so praised by certain cultures and also hated by a lot. plus cats have nine lives so it can mean stuff.
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I had a dream I was at my parents house and it was summer. There were a lot of people I knew hanging out in the backyard. Some were my friends and some were my parents friends. I don't know why I was in the house. I found out we had these blue popsicles and I think I ate a few of them and I took one outside. People were barbecuing. I asked where my friends were and my parents said they were next door. I headed that way and my mom looked up and saw the sun and said "why is the sun on fire? it doesn't look normal". I looked up and I didn't see the sun but I saw what looked like the earth. It looked about 5 times bigger than the sun normally does in the sky and there was fire. I couldn't tell where between myself and what I saw the fire was. My vision was better when I looked at it though. I could see the earth in the sky 1000+ times better than my normal eyesight. I could see the mountains and the clouds and the trees and all of it was on fire.
I had a dream I was going to be late to my friends thesis defense. I was in a confusing and ugly building that was some combination of a library and a movie theater. It was very dark in some places but still had reading lamps. I couldn't figure out how to get to the room where the event was happening and I ended up taking a really long route to get there and realized I forgot my things.
I had a dream that I had to go back to highschool and it was awful.
"I wish I had cats that dedicated their lives to being my hair, beard and moustache. They could be like an extension of myself. For instance when I want to eat a bowl of milo cereal, I just bring it near my face and the moustache cats scoop the cereal in my mouth while beard cat holds my jaw open. Moustache cats also feed the others little nibbles of milo in order to further strengthen our symbiotic relationship."