I want to become a famous musician and make an album where all the song names are things that will be really confusing to personal assistant programs. |
There are no conversations. |
Darell Hammond |
Public swimming pools, recreation centers, summer reading programs, youth jobs programs - they are all shutting their doors. And they are all facilities and programs relied on most heavily by low-income children. |
John Francis Daley |
I'm avoiding having an assistant because then I would become the horrible boss. I can't justify having an assistant as a 25-year-old; I just can't do it! |
Charles Eastman |
Indian names were either characteristic nicknames given in a playful spirit, deed names, birth names, or such as have a religious and symbolic meaning. |
Eminem |
I don't think that my tongue-in-cheekness will ever go away. I guess it's just a part of my personality. I always want to keep some type of element of fun to the music as well. If one song is darker or talking about a sad subject, I don't want to make a whole album of that, of being a downer. I don't want to make a whole album of being too uppity. |
Billy Baldwin |
When you become famous, you start getting invites to parties where there are famous athletes and famous rock stars, politicians, people who have tremendous power and affluence. It's not in my DNA, but certainly I have been exposed to it. |
Afrojack |
I want to make an album my grandma and my fans are going to like. I want to make my grandma understand a drop and make club fans understand a song. |
Justin Townes Earle |
I didn't get into music to become a blues musician, or a country musician. I'm a singer-songwriter. In my book that means I get to do whatever I want. |
Lisa Edelstein |
I've always thrown myself into different kinds of experiences, sometimes into really bad things. But, you grow up. You become more of a woman and you know yourself. I think knowing yourself is a wonderful thing especially when you're in your 40s and you're kind of in your skin. Life is not so confusing anymore. |
Eric Cantor |
We as Republicans understand that we have got to protect these... entitlement programs - these entitlement programs for our seniors today. And we have to sit down and have a discussion. We need more ideas on the table. |
Josh Gad |
The actual truth about Gad is it's one of the original 13 tribes of Israel, so you can actually trace my lineage back to, like, those guys who had, like, a hand in the Bible and have since become very famous from that. So I come from very famous lineage. Granted, they didn't have cameras back then, so none of them had TV shows. |
I had this other dream where I had a bunch of confusing interactions with people I felt like I didn't really know in this big auditorium. The confusing parts were me not understanding why they were doing things or what they wanted from me. They seemed mostly younger and for some reason, there were a lot of leotards and denim jackets.
"Yeah, well focus on what is going to be the best route for you. A lot of people get caught up with figuring out ways to make money and never bother making any programs. Just make programs, and if they work and you profit, scale up or automate it. Move onto the next program."
This song is about how every decision you make, experience you have, and chemical you ingest gets passed down through your DNA to your children. The decisions you make today will effect your lineage forevermore. Now while this song doesnt directly say this, I know for a fact this is the true meaning/inspiration. I am very aware of what level Kendrick is on mentally and spiritually and knowing this fact about DNA is well within his philosophy.
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Some Things Are Better Left Confusing
Cramming Software With Thousands of Fake Bugs Could Make It More Secure, Researchers Say
It sounds like a joke, but the idea actually makes sense: More bugs, not less, could theoretically make a system safer. From a report: Carefully scatter non-exploitable decoy bugs in software, and attackers will waste time and resources on trying to exploit them. The hope is that attackers will get bored, overwhelmed, or run out of time and patience before finding an actual vulnerability. Computer science researchers at NYU suggested this strategy in a study published August 2, and call these fake-vulnerabilities "chaff bugs." Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, assistant professor at NYU Tandon and one of the rese...
Dear LinxThink, quotes are cool. Please add a lot of movie quotes. Song lyrics might also be interesting. I guess I'm asking you to make ThinkLynx into a single player game where I can instant gratification while things compile and reboot.
What?! Eminem has a new album and Jedi Mind Tricks has an album from 2 months ago that I missed??
lol you cannot make names that long anymore
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Giving Back Entertainment http://GivingBackEntertainment.com Thank you for stopping by! Let us tell you about “Giving Back, Entertainment”. Based out of Lansing, Michigan- The Label was founded with one purpose: To help our local communities through music. Every song, album, or merchandise offered through Giving Back Entertainment goes to charitable causes such as winter clothing and food drives for children and the homeless. The foundation of Giving Back Entertainment ensures that it’s mis...
Something that is hard to reconcile is the experience of impersonal and personal love. Nature is very impersonal, and affection is very personal. I think often we confuse affection with love. We create exclusive relationships with others that often get overrided by our natural instincts- maybe a loving relationship is sabotaged bc someone ?fitter? in many ways came along and appealed to you as an animal. And then we say ?I thought we loved each other!? People use affection to justify all sorts of sacrifices and nature to justify all sorts of cruelty. Still, the world goes round and love exists on both a personal and impersonal level. You love your sister and you love the atoms which make up your sister which also make up the table in your kitchen and your worst enemy. And you experience that love by the same source that also allows you to evaluate which people and activities are worth your energy and which you reject. I don?t think reality is a matter of love vs. nature- - I don?t thi...