Some decisions are consequential and irreversible or nearly irreversible -- one-way doors -- and these decisions must be made methodically, carefully, slowly. ... If you walk through and don't like what you see on the other side, you can't get back to where you were before. We can call these Type 1 decisions. But most decisions aren't like that -- they are changeable, reversible -- they're two-way doors. If you've made a suboptimal Type 2 decision, you don't have to live with the consequences for that long. You can reopen the door and go back through. Type 2 decisions can and should be made quickly by high judgment individuals or small groups. |
There are no conversations. |
Joel Osteen |
You have to come to your closed doors before you get to your open doors... What if you knew you had to go through 32 closed doors before you got to your open door? Well, then you'd come to closed door number eight and you'd think, 'Great, I got another one out of the way'... Keep moving forward. |
Lyndon B. Johnson |
We must open the doors of opportunity. But we must also equip our people to walk through those doors. |
Susan Cain |
All personality traits have their good side and their bad side. But for a long time, we've seen introversion only through its negative side and extroversion mostly through its positive side. |
James Cameron |
The snake kills by squeezing very slowly. This is how the civilized world slowly, slowly pushes into the forest and takes away the world that used to be. |
Colm Feore |
I take some pains to learn the material beforehand. I have a bunch of tricks I use to try and hit the ground running. I write everything out. I take the text and I very methodically go through, and that tends to put it into my head a little bit more solidly than if I just glanced at it and hoped for the best. |
James E. Faust |
Unfortunately, some of our poor choices are irreversible, but many are not. Often, we can change course and get back on the right track. |
Vanilla Ice |
Listen, if you don't talk big game, you never get anywhere. If you don't think big, you don't get big. Some people call it egotistical, some people call it high hopes, some people call it confidence. It's all in how you want to dissect it. |
Maynard Jackson |
Behind closed doors they had what were legendary battles I hear but when the doors opened there was absolute unity. Not a crack could be found. No separation whatsoever. They were locked together for the good of the community. |
John Fahey |
Well when I made my first record I thought it would be a good joke to have me on one side, have the lable say John Fahey on one side, and this guy Blind Joe Death on the other side. |
Kirk Cameron |
It is my goal to love everyone. I hate no one. Regardless of their race, religion, their proclivities, the desire of their heart and how they want to live their life and the decisions that they make. I can even respect people's decisions and lifestyle choices just as I hope they have the courtesy to respect my decisions and my choices. |
I like the psyche distinction. How do you know you did everything you needed to do? What did you need to do?
I always feel like my life would be completely different if I had made a few different decisions and I don't know if I'd be happier or not in those other scenarios. The stress for me comes from trying to avoid missing the decisions that would lead to better scenarios. Every day the things I do have opportunity costs.
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they do but the imporant thing is trusting that you are making the right decisions. you wont ever know the outcome or results before picking, so instead of being fearful of decisions, you must be confident and be a decider. 'let the chips fall where they may'
take the opportunities offered, they only knock once. but i have given up some awesome opportunities like being moved to LA to work for a web company, but i dont regret not doing it because it was the right decision at the time to turn it down. i wouldnt be who i am today if i went there, and it might be better, but i chose to stay and finish my album and im happy i did. ...
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This song is about how every decision you make, experience you have, and chemical you ingest gets passed down through your DNA to your children. The decisions you make today will effect your lineage forevermore. Now while this song doesnt directly say this, I know for a fact this is the true meaning/inspiration. I am very aware of what level Kendrick is on mentally and spiritually and knowing this fact about DNA is well within his philosophy.
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Netflix Has Saved Every Choice You've Ever Made In 'Black Mirror: Bandersnatch'
According to a technology policy researcher, Netflix records all the choices you make in Black Mirror's Bandersnatch episode. "Michael Veale, a technology policy researcher at University College London, wanted to know what data Netflix was collecting from Bandersnatch," reports Motherboard. "People had been speculating a lot on Twitter about Netflix's motivations," Veale told Motherboard in an email. "I thought it would be a fun test to show people how you can use data protection law to ask real questions you have." From the report: The law Veale used is Europe's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The ...
rappers dont always say what they mean dig deeper rappers are thoughtful
the hook say see a hoe, break a hoe you already know bad bitches, on the low ya fo sho ...
Algorithmicists: Very good at algorithms and sustained, intricate coding. Have mathematical intuition, and are one of the two types (with Architect) that have the highest tolerance for complexity. They like the idea of correctness proofs and think naturally in terms of invariants. They gravitate to compiler-writing and crypto. Often solitary with poor social skills; have a tendency to fail by excessive cleverness. Never let them manage anyone!
Tinkers: Hackers who are drawn to crossovers with the physical world – will design hardware as cheerfully as software. One of the two types (with Prankster) most likely to be lockpickers and locksmiths. Know practical electronics (including analog and RF), adept at reverse-engineering. When you can get them to pull their heads out of the details (w...
In this author?s experience, patients will rarely bring up money issues unless the therapist is willing to focus attention on them him /or herself. There is only one kind of therapy where discussion of money and how we relate to it, and to each other because of it, often comes up: marital therapy. It comes up there because disagreements over money and stresses connected to it are the most common reasons for marital discord. That, to a significant extent, is the result of the money taboo which results in lack of ...
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"Jay-Z and Beyonce in their car, quietly driving. They’re listening to a classic hip hop station when Big Pimpin’ comes on. Jay locks his eyes on the road, steering stiffly. He tries not to breathe. He can feel Beyonce’s eyes on him, glinting in the passing of headlights. He reaches for the radio, slowly, carefully… “Don’t,” she says, barely a whisper, but somehow he hears it over the bass. “Let’s listen.” His blood runs cold."
From: Altered States of Consciousness, edited by Charles T. Tart, Doubleday & Co., 1972, Chapter 22
A marijuana high usually lasts two or three hours, during which a wide range of effects may occur, varying both in intensity and quality. The usual, most noticeable effect is intensification of sensation and increased clarity of perception. Vis...
aoc sent money to people and some sent it back because they don't wanna be called a socialist doesn't matter if they accept it because republicans call them socialists anyway social democratic policies like the type aoc advocates for are v popular and effective for working class ppl gop rhetoric is not long term beneficial, they convincing ppl that basic policies that help working class Americans are socialist. they doing more to rehabilitate the word socialist than any socialist ever could younger ppl going to be comfortable with the term socialism ...