cauz |
Oct. 31, 2017, 9:19 p.m. |
Mary Kay Ash |
Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway. |
Marcus Aurelius |
We ought to do good to others as simply as a horse runs, or a bee makes honey, or a vine bears grapes season after season without thinking of the grapes it has borne. |
Eden Ahbez |
Some white people hate black people, and some white people love black people, some black people hate white people, and some black people love white people. So you see it's not an issue of black and white, it's an issue of Lovers and Haters. |
John Calvin |
A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent. |
Henry Louis Gates |
It's not white versus black any more, it's haves versus have-nots. Unless the black middle-classes unite to promote the interests of the black underclass, tension between them is inevitable. What we, the black middle class have to do, is think of a strategy to avert that. |
Annie Jacobsen |
To understand how black projects began, and how they continue to function today, one must start with the creation of the atomic bomb. The men who ran the Manhattan Project wrote the rules about black operations. The atomic bomb was the mother of all black projects, and it is the parent from which all black operations have sprung. |
Sylvia Earle |
For humans, the Arctic is a harshly inhospitable place, but the conditions there are precisely what polar bears require to survive - and thrive. 'Harsh' to us is 'home' for them. Take away the ice and snow, increase the temperature by even a little, and the realm that makes their lives possible literally melts away. |
William Halsey |
I never trust a fighting man who doesnt smoke or drink. |
John Davidson |
I don't know why people are so surprised by my live performances. My approach is so simple; every song I sing, every story I tell, every move I make, must move the audience to laughter, tears or inspiration. Otherwise, why should I do it? |
John Davidson |
My approach is so simple; every song I sing, every story I tell, every move I make, must move the audience to laughter, tears, or inspiration. Otherwise, why do it? It's the communication. |
Asatta Shakur, Once leader of the Harlem 'branch', left the Black Panther Party for the Black Liberation Army
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teddy bears picnic was one of or the last song my grandma ever heard
lol me too. i just imagine a bear yawning and accidentally knocking over a bee hive so they have to move their whole society to the branch next to it
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The Berenstein Bears: We Are Living in Our Own Parallel Universe When I was growing up, all through elementary school we would watch movies and read books about the Berenstein Bears. I still even remember the theme song for the TV show, mostly, which wasn't a song so much as a guy in a gruff bear voice speaking in rhyming couplets. If you don't know who the Berenstein Bears are, they were nuclear family of anthropomorphic bears who lived in a tree out in Bear Country and had family-based situational comedy and taught life lessons. And Ma Bear always wore a blue shower cap.
These bears appeared in a series of children books by the married Stan and Jan Berenstein, that later became a TV s...
Bad puns > clever puns
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This song is about how every decision you make, experience you have, and chemical you ingest gets passed down through your DNA to your children. The decisions you make today will effect your lineage forevermore. Now while this song doesnt directly say this, I know for a fact this is the true meaning/inspiration. I am very aware of what level Kendrick is on mentally and spiritually and knowing this fact about DNA is well within his philosophy.
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The lil teacher lady that emma is setting up with the debate teacher in clueless has caught my attention bc it seems like her style is very similar to mine. i was thinking she had a cute look and realized that later emma and stacy dash makeover attack her later. I fear i might be makeover attacked by the high school emmas and stacy dashes of the present.
This German guy told me that ever since the Men in Black movie came out, it's okay to wear a black suit and black tie for occasions other than a funeral.
is she still beautiful when your eyes are closed or are open eyed visuals our way of seeing
aethernaut - song of stars part 1 feat the chunderfins good song!