you should implement a reward system that gives you different titles based on some sort of statistics that you capture. |
Skill |
April 12, 2017, 7:38 p.m. |
Niccolo Machiavelli |
It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles. |
Roger Ebert |
The idea that a book can advise a woman how to capture a man is touchingly naive. Books advising men how to capture a woman are far less common, perhaps because few men are willing to admit to such a difficulty. For both sexes, I recommend a good novel, offering scenarios you might learn from, if only because they reflect a lot of doubt. |
Johnny Depp |
If there's any message to my work, it is ultimately that it's OK to be different, that it's good to be different, that we should question ourselves before we pass judgment on someone who looks different, behaves different, talks different, is a different color. |
Angela Featherstone |
I was 16 when I entered the foster system, and know firsthand the statistics for 'aging out.' When I was in the group homes, I saw some of the kids being moved into foster homes with the potential for adoption. I remember well asking a social worker if I could find a home, too. I was told I was 'too old' and 'no one wants to adopt a 16-year-old.' |
Angela Featherstone |
I was 16 when I entered the foster system, and know firsthand the statistics for 'aging out.' |
Milton Friedman |
And what does reward virtue? You think the communist commissar rewards virtue? You think a Hitler rewards virtue? You think, excuse me, if you'll pardon me, American presidents reward virtue? Do they choose their appointees on the basis of the virtue of the people appointed or on the basis of their political clout? |
Thomas A. Edison |
One might think that the money value of an invention constitutes its reward to the man who loves his work. But... I continue to find my greatest pleasure, and so my reward, in the work that precedes what the world calls success. |
Jonathan Haidt |
Morality binds people into groups. It gives us tribalism, it gives us genocide, war, and politics. But it also gives us heroism, altruism, and sainthood. |
Casey Affleck |
All cultures are different. Some commit genocide. Some are uniquely peaceful. Some frequent bathhouses in groups. Some don't show each other the soles of their shoes or like pictures taken of them. Some have enormous hunting festivals or annual stretches when nobody speaks. Some don't use electricity. |
Sigmar Gabriel |
If we want to implement climate protection worldwide, countries like Germany, which are capable of developing new technologies, will have to hand over some of their knowledge. We can't expect to have our cake and eat it too. |
Things I think I'm going to implement after April 14th:
1. Button to toggle anonymity of a post if it is yours 2. Input box on thought page will work like a chat box and update in realtime
Then ...? 3. Profile picture uploads 4. Graphs of user language usage statistics on user profiles? ...
my wife's idea: movie recommendation system based on facial expression similarity.
Facebook Filed a Patent To Calculate Your Future Location
Facebook has filed several patent applications with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for technology that uses your location data to predict where you're going and when you're going to be offline. BuzzFeed News reports: A May 30, 2017, Facebook application titled "Offline Trajectories" describes a method to predict where you'll go next based on your location data. The technology described in the patent would calculate a "transition probability based at least in part on previously logged location data associated with a plurality of users who were at the current location." In other words, the technology could also use the data of ...
Gonna need to see some statistics for the success rate of this.
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I was on a plane the other day with this guy that had a completely different value system from me. His top list of concerns based on our 2.5 hour conversation: 1. the whiteness of his dog's teeth, 2. money, 3. cars, 4. his son's muscles, 5. his dog's muscles.
It would be interesting to see a much more complicated version of the MB test that accounted for the possible variations over time. Complete with the descriptor titles.
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Good ideas! It's a javascript numerical library for stuff like statistics and networks with a focus on performance.
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Close to 1000 thoughts!!! I want to implement anonymous posting next.
Boeing 757 Testing Shows Airplanes Vulnerable To Hacking, DHS Says
A team of government, industry and academic officials successfully demonstrated that a commercial aircraft could be remotely hacked in a non-laboratory setting last year, a DHS official said Wednesday at the 2017 CyberSat Summit in Tysons Corner, Virginia. "We got the airplane on Sept. 19, 2016. Two days later, I was successful in accomplishing a remote, non-cooperative, penetration. [Which] means I didn't have anybody touching the airplane, I didn't have an insider threat. I stood off using typical stuff that could get through security and we were able to establish a presence on the systems of the aircraft." Hickey said the details of the hack and the work his team are doing are classified, but said they accessed the air...
What would be some good titles for Seinfeld porno parodies? "These Pretzels Are Making Me Horny" "The Yada Yada Hep C". There's a great pun you can do with Kramer's name, but I don't want to give it away just yet.