John Cage |
If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four. If still boring, then eight. Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all. |
Celia Imrie |
I have a horror of boring someone or, worse still, of someone boring me. I said to my mother when I was seven, 'But, Mums, if it was only my husband and me in the house together, what would we talk about?' I've never wanted to answer my own question, and doubt I'll bother now. |
Bob Balaban |
I was very much in my room with my marionette stage, you know, creating these incredibly boring things that I felt were so fascinating, and forcing my relatives to come, and charging money for them to see my little productions. |
Johnny Isakson |
I heard someone in opposition to reform last night criticize the president for saying it's their money. They said it's not their money; it's my mother's money. Well that's what's wrong with the system. |
Mother Teresa |
Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go. |
Sibel Edmonds |
But I can tell you that the issue, on one side, boils down to money - a lot of money. And it boils down to people and their connections with this money, and that's the portion that, even with this book, has not been mentioned to this day. |
Alison Jackson |
I think privacy is important, and it's important you don't bore people with your own boring self. |
Anthony Daniels |
Everybody uses mime and gesture in real life, though we don't realize it. It's very useful as a performance technique, though it can be boring to watch on its own. |
Bjarke Ingels |
I think the avant-garde often hides itself in the highly incomprehensible because they are frustrated that the real world is so boring. |
Bud Abbott |
It gets so boring at home. After all, how many reruns of Abbott and Costello movies can a guy watch on television? |
Despite common wisdom to the effect that money can?t buy happiness it is certain that many people believe that enough money could make them happier than they are. Many people squander huge amounts of time and energy, thinking about and trying to acquire money because of this belief. Even when they are reasonably well off, people often make increasing acquisition and control of money a higher priority than either self actualization or cultivation of relationships - leading to many of the personal and ...
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In this author?s experience, patients will rarely bring up money issues unless the therapist is willing to focus attention on them him /or herself. There is only one kind of therapy where discussion of money and how we relate to it, and to each other because of it, often comes up: marital therapy. It comes up there because disagreements over money and stresses connected to it are the most common reasons for marital discord. That, to a significant extent, is the result of the money taboo which results in lack of ...
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Having a bunch of money helps one live in cities and culture but thats what im calling out. I want to save enough money to get the supplies I need to live off of the grid or however you want to phrase it. But I don't believe I need to use that money to get there, it just would allow me to get certain materials / tools faster.
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its important we take the word 'need' out of our vocabulary when it comes to money. we dont need money in any form, and saying so even when we dont mean it, ingrains it into our mind. however, despite wanting the money that i get from my job - i cant help but feel like i have something better to be doing
In 1908 Freud identified money with feces and mad a connection of money to anal eroticism. He also wrote (1917) of the unconscious, symbolic connection of money, through transformation of the instincts, with penises, babies and gifts. Ferenczi (1952) wrote about the ontogenesis of the interest in money as a progression from interest in feces though increasingly sublimated interests in mud, sand, prettily shaped and colored pebbles, more sophisticated collectibles and finally money. According to ...
Work is so boring....
The Taboo Against Dealing With Money Issues Why is it that the literature regarding the psychological meaning of money is so scant? As sated previously, there is a taboo regarding the subject of money in our society, to which psychotherapists are not immune. We Americans may complain about taxes, discuss the prospects of Social Security and brag about the great bargains we found or the killings we made in the stock market, but we seldom discuss our incomes, our indebtedness or, more general...
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I'm not sure. I do think its more likely that those born in money have an attitude that they're family is smarter and harder working than the less fortunate. But they certainly didn't make their fortune giving money away. But those who don't have money probably don't share their money either. But I think they would better understand what being in the bottom of the 99% lives like.
It really comes down more to how one was raised. People who are raised well are just good people. You don't see shitty snobby kids from parents that teach lessons and enforce boundaries. ...
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Could not agree more. Most of the process of actually getting something to work is boring.
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