i tried to memorize the perodic table by looping a wav of generated speech listing the elements and their numbers and listening to it when i was sleeping. it didn't work. |
Daniel Baldwin |
For me, for the type of addict I am, when I start getting those swirly thoughts and stuff, and they talk about slippery places, slippery people and slippery things, you know, I need to - I needed to take my cell phone and eliminate all the phone numbers, change the phone numbers so no one I knew before could call me or reach me. |
Billy Eckstine |
You know, times change and the elements change along with it. The elements of success. And my son's very successful. He's doing very well. And I have a younger daughter who sings. |
Drew Gilpin Faust |
I think that the firepower of the Civil War, the numbers of bodies that were left to rot, the numbers of amputations in the Civil War, all of this created threats to the understanding of the human being as an integral soul, as a body and soul that could be united. |
Tyler Farr |
I base my track-listing and what songs I pick by what my fans expect from me and what they want and what I think they want. |
Emily Greene Balch |
In listing these tendencies making for a new world, we must not forget developments in the religious or spiritual thinking and feeling of mankind, where also we feel a strong unifying trend. |
Gabriel Iglesias |
Being on TV sucks. It's a lot of work. You memorize scripts and then you show up and they change everything. I'm a control freak. When I'm doing stand-up, I say what I want and then I get instant feedback. |
Simon Baker |
Well, capitalism is going to grow and grow. The nature of it is that the guy who has the most poker chips on the table has more leverage than everyone else. He can eventually outbluff everyone else and outraise everyone else at the table. That's what has happened and it needs to be corrected. |
Jon Favreau |
I'm a very lazy person by nature. I have to be really engaged, and then I go straight from lazy to obsessive. I couldn't study chemistry, but I could memorize all the books for Dungeons and Dragons. It was ridiculous. The trick is to find what I like to do. |
Don Adams |
I am a quick study - I can memorize a script in an hour - but I can't remember a name three seconds. I've even forgotten my wife's name on occasion. |
John Backus |
They don't like thinking in medical school. They memorize - that's all they want you to do. You must not think. |
I had a dream where I knew I was sleeping but I thought I had to get up early and go to work. I tried to wake myself up and eventually I did wake up but then I remembered that I did not have to get up early. I didn't even really have to go to work. It's weird when you know you're asleep though.
Periodic Table Turns 150 Years Old
The Economist tells the story of how French chemist Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier came to publish the first putatively comprehensive list of chemical elements -- substances incapable of being broken down by chemical reactions into other substances -- known today as the periodic table. It was Lavoisier and his wife Marie-Anne who pioneered the technique of measuring quantitatively what went into and came out of a chemical reaction, as a way of getting to the heart of what such a reaction really is. "Where the story of the periodic table of the elements really starts is debatable," reports The Economist, "but Lavoisier's laboratory is as good a place as any to begin..." Here's an excerpt from the report: ...
I just remembered that I also had a dream last night that I had a math test coming up and I had to remember a really complicated formula. I was really nervous I would forget it or mix it up, but then my dad ended up being the math teacher and he told me that, because I'd said I was so worried about forgetting it, he had decided to provide the formula on the exam. But he didn't want me to tell anyone that he was going to provide the formula. And I felt guilty, like I was cheating because everyone else would have to study and memorize it (or at least they would think they had to) and I didn't.
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Bees Can Link Symbols To Numbers, Study Finds (phys.org)
Researchers have trained honeybees to match a character to a specific quantity, revealing they are able to learn that a symbol represents a numerical amount. The discovery, from the same Australian-French team that found bees get the concept of zero and can do simple arithmetic, also points to new approaches for bio-inspired computing that can replicate the brain's highly efficient approach to processing. Associate Professor Adrian Dyer said while humans were the only species to have developed systems to represent numbers, like the Arabic numerals we use each day, the research shows the concept can be grasped by brains far smaller ...
i wish i could browse for new friends :( i also wish that everybody who starts a think lynx gets a random generated name or can pick from a list of available randomly generated names. that would make it way cooler
mmm just generated 25 new websites with 4 pages each then added the urls to my database so now all 25 sites have deep links from my other auto generated subdomain sites.
link building babayy
You're also choosing the sequence. There is a finite number of sequences but those are really big numbers. You can easily choose a sequence of numbers no one has chosen before. I think that counts as creating something new. I mean... you don't get to decide which numbers exist, but you can choose which ones to run.
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I wrote a program that will text me random sentences from Wikipedia while I'm sleeping but for some reason it doesn't work with my phone number. I don't know if it is a problem with the carrier or what. It works with other people's phones.
I had a dream I was in some big mansion and there was a huge room in the middle and there was a family there that I didn't know. They had a dog that really wanted to eat me and it kept almost biting me and the owners were telling it to stop but it wasn't really listening.
"Writing, at its best, is a lonely life. Organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness but I doubt if they improve his writing. He grows in public stature as he sheds his loneliness and often his work deteriorates. For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face eternity, or the lack of it, each day." - Hemingway's Nobel Prize Speech