B.o.B |
I think Gotye is really dope. The music that I enjoy listening to isn't as intense as my music is. |
Dashiell Hammett |
With what dope I got I think it fills me in pretty well. |
Henny Youngman |
If my mother knew I did this for a living, she'd kill me. She thinks I'm selling dope. |
James Caan |
One night I went over to get some dope from some Hollywood tough guy. After I left, my son Scott, who was only fifteen, went over with a baseball bat to kill him. I was laughing out of one eye and crying out of the other. I thought, Who am I kidding? |
Jesse Jackson |
Today's students can put dope in their veins or hope in their brains. If they can conceive it and believe it, they can achieve it. They must know it is not their aptitude but their attitude that will determine their altitude. |
Johnny Isakson |
I heard someone in opposition to reform last night criticize the president for saying it's their money. They said it's not their money; it's my mother's money. Well that's what's wrong with the system. |
Mother Teresa |
Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go. |
Sibel Edmonds |
But I can tell you that the issue, on one side, boils down to money - a lot of money. And it boils down to people and their connections with this money, and that's the portion that, even with this book, has not been mentioned to this day. |
Adam Garcia |
They spend an awful lot of money on I-don't-know-what in Hollywood movies; I certainly didn't get any of it. But they sure do love spending money. |
Alex Campbell |
From this process has emerged a parallel process of translating traditional working and living values into a new political and economic power - a power increasingly based upon the strength of money and those material things money can purchase. |
#dope money
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#real talk #dope money #bitches
Tuesdays feel very strange to me right now. #dope money
Renewed 2 old domains that made money in the past that I let expire. I still have the accounts on my servers so all I had to do is switch the nameservers and voila, theyre back. and since i already remade both sites bigger and better with well branded domains, i can use these old sites, that were proven to make money, as backlinks and a buffer for links to my new branded sites. dope shit. seo is so slow tho but i plan on using ppc on the same sites soon to get more traffic streams
Despite common wisdom to the effect that money can?t buy happiness it is certain that many people believe that enough money could make them happier than they are. Many people squander huge amounts of time and energy, thinking about and trying to acquire money because of this belief. Even when they are reasonably well off, people often make increasing acquisition and control of money a higher priority than either self actualization or cultivation of relationships - leading to many of the personal and ...
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When I grow up, I want to have enough money to open up a cafe in San Francisco. Maybe in the castro. Or...maybe close to the beach on the west side. I want to decorate it nicely and I want to serve nisu with matcha spread. I would also serve arepas bc there aren't places that serve good arepas there and my boyfriend really likes those. I would probably make him make them though. I would allow doggos to come so that i could pet them. I would make some dope toasts with my nisu. Like avocado and such. I really like coriander and lime.
In this author?s experience, patients will rarely bring up money issues unless the therapist is willing to focus attention on them him /or herself. There is only one kind of therapy where discussion of money and how we relate to it, and to each other because of it, often comes up: marital therapy. It comes up there because disagreements over money and stresses connected to it are the most common reasons for marital discord. That, to a significant extent, is the result of the money taboo which results in lack of ...
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Having a bunch of money helps one live in cities and culture but thats what im calling out. I want to save enough money to get the supplies I need to live off of the grid or however you want to phrase it. But I don't believe I need to use that money to get there, it just would allow me to get certain materials / tools faster.
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its important we take the word 'need' out of our vocabulary when it comes to money. we dont need money in any form, and saying so even when we dont mean it, ingrains it into our mind. however, despite wanting the money that i get from my job - i cant help but feel like i have something better to be doing
In 1908 Freud identified money with feces and mad a connection of money to anal eroticism. He also wrote (1917) of the unconscious, symbolic connection of money, through transformation of the instincts, with penises, babies and gifts. Ferenczi (1952) wrote about the ontogenesis of the interest in money as a progression from interest in feces though increasingly sublimated interests in mud, sand, prettily shaped and colored pebbles, more sophisticated collectibles and finally money. According to ...