There are no conversations. |
Dinesh D'Souza |
I think, with Obama and the progressives, you've seen a massive expansion of big government, and it's all based on a moral premise. The moral premise is that wealth is theft. And I don't just mean the wealth of America, I mean, your wealth, my wealth. |
Maggie Gallagher |
The strongest results were in Florida and Texas. In just one year in a Texas charter school, an average student gained 7 percentile points in math and 8 percentile points in reading, while Florida charter schools improved student performance by 6 percentile points. |
Anne Fadiman |
The most important thing when starting out with essay writing is to find a voice with which you're comfortable. You need to find a persona that is very much like you, but slightly caricatured. |
LL Cool J |
God blesses us all with different views and perspectives and levels of influence and power. |
Nina Jacobson |
I think that one of the greatest perspectives that I have, from being a buyer for my whole career until I became a producer, is that I have a pretty good understanding of the buyer's mentality. |
Alexander Haig |
You know, it's very clear, as one looks back on history again of the Cold War that, following the crisis in Cuba, following the Khrushchev - beating down of Jack Kennedy in Vienna, that President Kennedy believed that we had to join the battle for the Third World, and the next crisis that developed in that regards was Vietnam. |
Confucius |
If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself. |
Edward T. Hall |
Two points that are very important points to remember and ask: Is it real and does it work? |
Fredrik Bajer |
To read the report of a discussion in which arguments for and against are presented, in which a subject has been covered from different points of view, with new ideas advanced - this is far more instructive than to read a brief account of the resolution passed on the matter. |
Ansel Elgort |
I'm starting to get a following on Twitter. That's a really awesome power to have. It gives me the opportunity to make any kind of art I want. |
Something that is hard to reconcile is the experience of impersonal and personal love. Nature is very impersonal, and affection is very personal. I think often we confuse affection with love. We create exclusive relationships with others that often get overrided by our natural instincts- maybe a loving relationship is sabotaged bc someone ?fitter? in many ways came along and appealed to you as an animal. And then we say ?I thought we loved each other!? People use affection to justify all sorts of sacrifices and nature to justify all sorts of cruelty. Still, the world goes round and love exists on both a personal and impersonal level. You love your sister and you love the atoms which make up your sister which also make up the table in your kitchen and your worst enemy. And you experience that love by the same source that also allows you to evaluate which people and activities are worth your energy and which you reject. I don?t think reality is a matter of love vs. nature- - I don?t thi...
I'm working on the quotes thing. I think people should get some sort of points for commenting on other peoples thoughts. That way you don't just get points for posting stuff but you also get points for communicating with others.
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CIA, FBI launch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks
Last Updated Apr 20, 2017 1:38 PM EDT
WASHINGTON -- CBS News has learned that a manhunt is underway for a traitor inside the Central Intelligence Agency.
The CIA and FBI are conducting a joint investigation into one of the worst security breaches in CIA history, which exposed thousands of top-secret documents that de...
Woman Wins $10,000 For Reading Fine Print of Terms and Conditions of Travel Insurance Policy
Georgia high school teacher Donelan Andrews won a $10,000 reward after she closely read the terms and conditions that came with a travel insurance policy she purchased for a trip to England. Squaremouth, a Florida insurance company, had inserted language promising a reward to the first person who emailed the company. NPR reports: "We understand most customers don't actually read contracts or documentation when buying something, but we know the importance of doing so," the company said. "We created the top-secret Pays to Read campaign in an effort to highlight the importance of reading policy docum...
Next time tell them, and they'll give you free spices. They allegedly each get a 'try it on us' coupon each shift to give to customers. Not sure how it would work with bulk food, though.
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At my work, we have meetings about how to improve software that doesn't exist, and probably never will. Most people pretend to read documentation about how the software works. Cuz I just write it for fun obviously ::emoji of an elephant doing the quirk jerk:: when they suggest software to use, I just ask them to do a competitive/comparative analysis if possible, and that usually solves it.
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AI Plus a Chemistry Robot Finds All the Reactions That Will Work
A team of researchers at Glasgow University have built a robot that uses machine learning to run and analyze its own chemical reaction. The system is able to figure out every reaction that's possible from a given set of starting materials. Ars Technica reports: Most of its parts are dispersed through a fume hood, which ensures safe ventilation of any products that somehow escape the system. The upper right is a collection of tanks containing starting materials and pumps that send them into one of six reaction chambers, which can be operated in parallel. The outcomes of these reactions can then be sent on for analysis. Pumps ...
Spotify Data Shows How Music Preferences Change With Latitude
A paper in Nature Human Behaviour this week drew on the listening data of nearly a million Spotify listeners from around the world, describing the daily and seasonal variations in how people listen. The researchers suggest that the results point to a universal human habit that probably sounds familiar: choosing your music to both match and change your mood. Ars Technica reports: The researchers took data from listeners in 51 countries, making sure that their samples matched the demographics of each country but otherwise selecting users randomly. Using Spotify-provided data on the music, they tracked a variable they called music...
yeah but science has developed way farther than you see. like self driving cars are now commercial and a robot is a saudi citizen, if the militarys technology is even double our modern tech then where could they be at. (it is said that military technology is significantly more than double advanced as what we have accesss to)/
its not like its something that is available to the public. if it exists it would be highly secret and classified. if we can clone a sheep, store info in dna, send probes to mars, utilize deep learning, and have quantum computing breakthroughs - im sure theres way crazier stuff we will never hear of already in play. ...
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"Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home."