Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.
James A. Garfield
He who controls the money supply of a nation controls the nation.
Jim Morrison
Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.
James Balog
The scientist-community guy may get a $500,000 grant, and if his equipment works or doesn't work, he still gets a gold star for doing the science experiment. For me, there is no merit in anything for doing an experiment; I have to go home with pictures.
Charles Ives
Every great inspiration is but an experiment - though every experiment we know, is not a great inspiration.
Manfred Eigen
A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory.
Billy Gardell
Everybody wants to be a better version of themselves - everybody. And I hope one day I can lose some weight. Maybe, who knows, I'll hire myself a trainer and a fancy cook. In five years, maybe I'll be an action hero. Then again, maybe I'll just be this guy. Who knows? But the fun part is embracing the human side of that.
James Madison
What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.
F. Murray Abraham
I'd like President Bush to think maybe there's another way to think, that maybe Kissinger was wrong when he says we had to go in there because he was wrong about Vietnam.
James Cameron
I was always fascinated by engineering. Maybe it was an attempt maybe to get my father's respect or interest, or maybe it was just a genetic love of technology, but I was always trying to build things.