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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
cauz March 18, 2014, 10:54 p.m.
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Today I want to talk about a large DDOS attack that leveraged thousands of unsuspecting WordPress websites as indirect source amplification vectors.

Any WordPress site with Pingback enabled (which is on by default) can be used in DDOS attacks against other sites. Note that XMLRPC is used for pingbacks, trackbacks, remote access via mobile devices and many other features you?re likely very fond of. But, it can also be heavily misused like what we are seeing.

The story

It all happened against a popular WordPress site that had gone down for many hours due to a DDOS. As the attack increased in size, their host shut them down, and then they decided to ask for help and subscribed to our CloudProxy Website Firewall.

Once the DNS was ported we were able to see what was going on, it was a large HTTP-based (layer 7) distributed flood attack, sending hundreds of requests per second to their server. The requests looked like this: - - [09/Mar/2014:11:05:27 -0400] "GET /?4137049=6431829 HTTP/1.0" 403 0 "-" "WordPress/3.8;" - - [09/Mar/2014:11:05:27 -0400] "GET /?4758117=5073922 HTTP/1.0" 403 0 "-" "WordPress/3.4.2;" - - [09/Mar/2014:11:05:27 -0400] "GET /?7190851=6824134 HTTP/1.0" 403 0 "-" "WordPress/3.8.1;" - - [09/Mar/2014:11:05:27 -0400] "GET /?3162504=9747583 HTTP/1.0" 403 0 "-" "WordPress/2.9.2;"
If you notice, all queries had a random value (like ??4137049=643182″) that bypassed their cache and force a full page reload every single time. It was killing their server pretty quickly.

But the most interesting part is that all the requests were coming from valid and legitimate WordPress sites. Yes, other WordPress sites were sending that random requests at a very large scale and bringing the site down.

WordPress Insecure Default Option = Very Large Botnet

Just in the course of a few hours, over 162,000 different and legitimate WordPress sites tried to attack his site. We would likely have detected a lot more sites, but we decided we had seen enough and blocked the requests at the edge firewall, mostly to avoid filling the logs with junk.

Can you see how powerful it can be? One attacker can use thousands of popular and clean WordPress sites to perform their DDOS attack, while being hidden in the shadows, and that all happens with a simple ping back request to the XML-RPC file:

$ curl -D - "" -d '<methodCall><methodName></methodName><params><param><value><string></string></value></param><param><value><string></string></value></param></params></methodCall>'
Yes, that simple command on Linux can start it all.
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