Woah. This is messed up. It says 3 comments on the home screen but then when you click it shows one. |
Alfred Eisenstaedt |
Never boss people around. It's more important to click with people than to click the shutter. |
Alfred Eisenstaedt |
It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter. |
Monty Hall |
It was a show that you played at home and you're saying to the contestant do this and do that. When you at home are involved in yelling at the screen, then you know you've got an audience. |
Zeljko Ivanek |
The stuff that I find really intriguing is always how do ordinary people behave in extraordinary circumstances. And that's why we have a lot of cop shows and lawyer shows and medical shows is that you're looking for situations that just always heighten the stakes. |
Michael J. Fox |
The laughs mean more to me than the adoration. If two girls walk up to me and one says 'you're cute', I'll say thank you, but I appreciate it much more when the other one says 'you make me laugh so much'. |
Danny Elfman |
It sounds really stupid, I hate making cosmic comments like this but, I just let it do what it wants to do. |
Ireland Baldwin |
I have received nasty e-mails, messages on Twitter and ridiculous comments, not only about my size, but my family. |
John Hall |
Anytime you open your mouth there's going to be someone who's put off. I try to deal with that by keeping the topical portions of my show brief. I realize that some people wish my comments were briefer. |
William Hague |
To the teacher weighed down with paperwork, I say: you've been messed around too often. You came into teaching to spend your time teaching children not filling in forms. |
Alber Elbaz |
Many, many times I find that whatever is looking good on the screen doesn't always look or feel good on the body. So who do we design for - do we design for the screen, or do we design for women? |
But also the comments on this screen are correct... so it's just the home screen feeds that aren't working.
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I think I screwed up the home screen feeds and now they take super long to load. I'll work on fixing that soon.
Screen Time Changes Structure of Kids' Brains, NIH Study Shows
Brain scans of adolescents who are heavy users of smartphones, tablets and video games look different from those of less active screen users, preliminary results from an ongoing study funded by the National Institutes of Health show, according to a report on Sunday by "60 Minutes." That's the finding of the first batch of scans of 4,500 nine- to 10-year-olds. Scientists will follow those children and thousands more for a decade to see how childhood experiences, including the use of digital devices, affect their brains, emotional development and mental health.
woah hey now
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This post is a comment.
woah weird. what did you do?
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woah hey dude. people still use thinklynx!
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"#2 *sigh* I am noticing a growing epidemic of loyal side chicks. now this is messed up on a lot of different levels HOWEVER nigga YOU are so weak that this man can openly maintain two relationship , and you can't even hold down ONE ...KILL YOURSELF"
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I'm one of the top comments in this tweet thats going viral lol
original post: "Maybe its just the generation z in me but how did people burn CDs? Like how did you just get a blank CD and put songs on it?"
top comment: "I mean I can’t break it down to a science, but blank CD from circuit city, put that bitch in your CD-ROM drive on your computer (tower) press burn cd. it was easy. Gen y (millen...
I had a dream that I had to drive home and I kept dying by driving off the road or some other car accidents but eventually I got home after dying several times and my cat was there waiting to cuddle with me :3