Keep your eyes on the prize and your nose in the fight. |
There are no conversations. |
Winston Churchill |
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. |
Fred Hampton |
We're going to fight racism not with racism, but we're going to fight with solidarity. We say we're not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we're going to fight it with socialism. |
Stephen Baldwin |
I'm not going to fight in the physical with physical weapons, because it's not a physical fight. I'm going to fight with spiritual weapons, cause it's a spiritual fight. |
Gilbert K. Chesterton |
The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. |
Terry Farrell |
My eyes are different sizes, my nose is too broad at the bridge and squishes up when I laugh, and my lips are sorta funny when I smile. |
Mark Gatiss |
Grooming-wise, it is now a constant battle as I progressively turn into my father. I have to keep on top of ear and nose hair - things you never believe will happen to you. Suddenly I have a shaving brush in my ear and I don't know where it's come from, and the more hair I take the out, the more it surges back. |
Diane Mott Davidson |
The thing is, if you make best-sellerdom your goal, you're going to be in trouble. It's a very nice thing to have happen, but if one makes that a goal like, say, a literary writer has the goal of getting the Pulitzer Prize, that's so unpredictable. |
Pope John XXIII |
I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. I have put my heart near your heart. |
Thomas Merton |
Be good, keep your feet dry, your eyes open, your heart at peace and your soul in the joy of Christ. |
Dianna Agron |
Keep going on hikes, keep having your friends in your life, keep that downtime sacred as well because as hard as you work in any job, it's really nice to have the relaxing de-stressors. Stress is the worst thing. That's the ultimate demise of any good thing. |
This guy won the Loebner prize last year for having the most human-like chat bot. You can talk to it at mitsuku.com. It's pretty impressive. He has a page where he says he is giving away a prize to a winner of a Pacman tournament. I hacked the tournament to put me in first place, but I misread his page and thought he was giving away his Loebner medal, but it turns out he is giving away his t-shirt...
When I was comin up rough that wasn't even what you called it That's why I smoke blunts now and run with alcoholics I'm gettin, threats to me, comin from my enemies And, in they dreams it's, Hell where they sendin me Have I, lost control or just another soul A car full of motherfuckers when we roll Sippin on yak as I sit back (YES!) life as a big mack ...
This post is a comment.
We are all adult nose pickers.
depictions of butterflies in art are never cute unless it's on an animal's nose and only then it's a maybe
I got 3 pimples today: one on the middle of my nose, and two on either side on the front of the cheek/under the eye. It's symmetrical and it looks ridiculous.
in these times, we've got animatronic Rudolph the red nose raindeers telling you to follow his Instagram
"Jay-Z and Beyonce in their car, quietly driving. They’re listening to a classic hip hop station when Big Pimpin’ comes on. Jay locks his eyes on the road, steering stiffly. He tries not to breathe. He can feel Beyonce’s eyes on him, glinting in the passing of headlights. He reaches for the radio, slowly, carefully… “Don’t,” she says, barely a whisper, but somehow he hears it over the bass. “Let’s listen.” His blood runs cold."
I like the idea of someone sitting in a chair and squeaking out the sentence "I need my medicine" and then a butler brings this guy a feather and uses it to tickle his nose.
I had a dream that I had to take a test and I could not pay attention. I zoned out and didn't finish and my nose kept bleeding. Then I stole a bunch of candy from someone and went home. #weirddreams
I had a series of dreams where I brutally murdered a lot of people. The last one had something to do with me hammering this stake into the ground. This 6'5" balding red-haired dude with glasses was not happy about that for some reason and was chasing me with this boomerang axe thing. He tried to throw it at me and I jumped out of the way. For some reason I had one too and I threw mine at him and it hit him right above the eyes. He fell over and was laying on the ground with his eyes open staring upward. I thought he was dead. I walked over and he wasn't, so I sliced his head open with the axe thing and then I woke up.