"The visitor from outer space made a serious study of Christianity, to learn, if he could, why Christians found it so easy to be cruel. He concluded that at least part of the trouble was slipshod storytelling in the New Testament. He supposed that the intent of the Gospels was to teach people, among other things, to be merciful, even to the lowest of the low.
But the Gospels actually taught this: Before you kill somebody, make absolutely sure he isn't well connected"
-- Slaughterhouse-Five |
There are no conversations. |
William S. Burroughs |
After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say 'I want to see the manager.' |
Will Smith |
I know how to learn anything I want to learn. I absolutely know that I could learn how to fly the space shuttle because someone else knows how to fly it, and they put it in a book. Give me the book, and I do not need somebody to stand up in front of the class. |
Plato |
A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men. |
Gilbert K. Chesterton |
The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. |
John Eldredge |
Most Christians are still living with an Old Testament view of their heart. Jeremiah 17:9 says, 'My heart is deceitfully wicked.' No, it's not. Not after the work of Christ, because the promise of the new covenant is a new heart. |
David Edwards |
You don't have to play a whole lot of guitar to be a good blues player. Some people plays too much guitar. Stack it on top of each other the way it don't - you're working too fast. Blues not supposed to be played fast. Blues supposed to be played slow. You could kill a man with just one chord. |
Virchand Gandhi |
All religions worthy of the name are now making great efforts to purify their doctrines and return to their original standpoint, all except Christianity! You surely know that the nineteenth century Christianity is not the religion taught by Christ. Christ's religion has been changed and corrupted. |
Marianne Williamson |
The new midlife is where you realize that even your failures make you more beautiful and are turned spiritually into success if you became a better person because of them. You became a more humble person. You became a more merciful and compassionate person. |
Michelle Obama |
My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'blackness' than ever before. I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong. |
Roald Dahl |
I find that the only way to make my characters really interesting to children is to exaggerate all their good or bad qualities, and so if a person is nasty or bad or cruel, you make them very nasty, very bad, very cruel. If they are ugly, you make them extremely ugly. That, I think, is fun and makes an impact. |
A study on facebook conversations found they were more likely to go awry when one person shares something intended to be an opinion but another person believes it was intended or believed by the speaker to be a fact.
The appeal to expert opinion is often a fallacy. When people with higher academic degrees say their opinions, because they are perceived experts, the intention of opinion might be perceived as intention to share a fact. Facts are useful for persuasion, and when we hear them we might feel someone is attempting to persuade us.
Seems like something people with perceived expertise...
I had a dream that I was supposed to teach and I thought it was one class but then I walked in a minute before it started and asked who was there for this other class and they all raised their hands, so that's when I realized I was supposed to teach a different class. I had to go to another room to get my stuff and I knew I would be late and I was trying to figure out what to teach as I was walking to get my stuff and back to the classroom.
Had a dream that Nas's album It Was Written was a book and it was one of Hip Hop's Gospels as if he were a prophet. The other book that immediately comes to mind is the gospel of hip hop by KRS One
I had a dream where I was trapped in a house with a bunch of people and there were things that would kill you but every couple minutes you could say something out loud that was like a rule about what couldn't kill you. There were certain restrictions on the rules you could make but if you said "I can't die from a knife wound" then if you got stabbed you would come back to life. It was like a terrifying game of trying to predict what would kill you and making valid rules.
yeah if you have to manage people who do. Thats why the paraboles of the CEO working as a dish boy, then a cashier, then store manager, then regional, and nationwide is such a good thought because they are supposed to know, at least in part, how the work is done on the various levels. Also, he thinks it will be easy program
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Stephen King’s 20 Rules for Writers
1. First write for yourself, and then worry about the audience. “When you write a story, you’re telling yourself the story. When you rewrite, your main job is taking out all the things that are not the story."
2. Don’t use passive voice. “Timid writers like passive verbs for the same reason that timid lovers like passive partners. The passive voice is safe.”
Mike Pence and Trump Administration on Space:
Pence said, "Space is, in his words, a war-fighting domain just like land and air and sea." He added, "History proves that peace only comes through strength, and in the realm of outer space, the United States Space Force will be that strength in the years ahead."
Astronaut Scott Kelly Describes One Year In Space -- And Its After Effects (brisbanetimes.com.au)
53-year-old astronaut Scott Kelly shared a dramatic excerpt from his new book Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery in the Brisbane Times, describing his first 48 hours back on earth and what he'd learned on the mission: I push back from the table and struggle to stand up, feeling like a very old man getting out of a recliner... I make it to my bedroom without incident and close the door behind me. Every part of my body hurts. All my joints and all of my muscles are protesting the crushing pressure of gravity. I'm also nauseated, though I haven't thrown up... When I'm finally ver...
I don't even know what my dreams were last night. I had two apartments in different parts of the city and one had a really cool layout but it had no windows except the one in the bathroom and it was like a tunnel cave and you had to walk through all the rooms to get to any other room. I also was dreaming that I was running around with these people that were not quite human and they lived in this forest and were running from some other human-like things that wanted to kill them. We ran through this forest and then through this field and found these giant frogs that make you hallucinate for some reason. I do not know why but then we were running around with frogs and it looked like we were running through a river but it was actually a field and I think the people chasing us started hallucinating and got lost.
Dreams I've had recently: -I found out both my parents were having affairs with people. My mom's had been going on since I was 7 and was with some guy she met while wading into water in Mexico. He taught our whole family how to snorkel or something like that. My dad's was with some woman named Linda he met at the indoor pool where he swims laps. -My sister got back together with her ex-girlfriend and that same day they got married at a courthouse. -I found my iPod. (Then I found it in real life that day.)