More money didn't make me any less miserable. |
There are no conversations. |
cauz |
Aug. 14, 2014, 10:49 a.m. |
Elizabeth Edwards |
Part of resilience is deciding to make yourself miserable over something that matters, or deciding to make yourself miserable over something that doesn't matter. |
Ernst Haas |
Without touching my subject I want to come to the moment when, through pure concentration of seeing, the composed picture becomes more made than taken. Without a descriptive caption to justify its existence, it will speak for itself - less descriptive, more creative; less informative, more suggestive - less prose, more poetry. |
James Caan |
I never saw my dad cry. My son saw me cry. My dad never told me he loved me, and consequently I told Scott I loved him every other minute. The point is, I'll make less mistakes than my dad, my sons hopefully will make less mistakes than me, and their sons will make less mistakes than their dads. |
Viola Davis |
I can't deal with actors! I can't deal with myself. We're neurotic and miserable ... I love doing what I'm doing, but while I'm doing it, I'm miserable. |
Alex Haley |
I look at my books the way parents look at their children. The fact that one becomes more successful than the others doesn't make me love the less successful one any less. |
Adam Davidson |
The cardinal rule of taxation is that whatever you put a levy on, you'll inevitably get less of. Taxing corporate activity means less investing, less hiring, fewer jobs and a smaller economy, which hurts the rich, the poor and the middle class alike. |
Adam Davidson |
The America that I think most Americans would want, most economists on the right or left would want, is one in which a smart, ambitious, hardworking person without a huge amount of resources has a pretty good shot, in the end, of beating out a less smart, less ambitious, less hardworking rich person. |
Ina May Gaskin |
If birth matters, midwives matter. In Europe, there are hospitals where the cesarean rate is less than 10%, and you'll find midwives in these hospitals, you'll see a lot less re-admissions with infections and complications, and you'll see a lot less injury to mothers. |
William Arthur Ward |
The more generous we are, the more joyous we become. The more cooperative we are, the more valuable we become. The more enthusiastic we are, the more productive we become. The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become. |
Alvar Aalto |
Our time is so specialised that we have people who know more and more or less and less. |
I'm not sure. I do think its more likely that those born in money have an attitude that they're family is smarter and harder working than the less fortunate. But they certainly didn't make their fortune giving money away. But those who don't have money probably don't share their money either. But I think they would better understand what being in the bottom of the 99% lives like.
It really comes down more to how one was raised. People who are raised well are just good people. You don't see shitty snobby kids from parents that teach lessons and enforce boundaries. ...
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Despite common wisdom to the effect that money can?t buy happiness it is certain that many people believe that enough money could make them happier than they are. Many people squander huge amounts of time and energy, thinking about and trying to acquire money because of this belief. Even when they are reasonably well off, people often make increasing acquisition and control of money a higher priority than either self actualization or cultivation of relationships - leading to many of the personal and ...
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it aint eaaaasy to make money, so now errybody wanna take money
scared money dont make money
Most people who don't want to do the PhD realize that they can leave and make a lot of money early on. The people who really want to do research and stay usually value money less.
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"Yeah, well focus on what is going to be the best route for you. A lot of people get caught up with figuring out ways to make money and never bother making any programs. Just make programs, and if they work and you profit, scale up or automate it. Move onto the next program."
I make money.
When I grow up, I want to have enough money to open up a cafe in San Francisco. Maybe in the castro. Or...maybe close to the beach on the west side. I want to decorate it nicely and I want to serve nisu with matcha spread. I would also serve arepas bc there aren't places that serve good arepas there and my boyfriend really likes those. I would probably make him make them though. I would allow doggos to come so that i could pet them. I would make some dope toasts with my nisu. Like avocado and such. I really like coriander and lime.
In this author?s experience, patients will rarely bring up money issues unless the therapist is willing to focus attention on them him /or herself. There is only one kind of therapy where discussion of money and how we relate to it, and to each other because of it, often comes up: marital therapy. It comes up there because disagreements over money and stresses connected to it are the most common reasons for marital discord. That, to a significant extent, is the result of the money taboo which results in lack of ...
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How do I make money from open sourcing my software?