I want to do a dance with a mask that looks like Paul Wall |
There are no conversations. |
Afrika Bambaataa |
All music is dance music. But when people think of dance music, they think of techno or just house. Anything you can dance to is dance music. I don't care if it's classical, funk, salsa, reggae, calypso; it's all dance music. |
Robert H. Schuller |
Negative thinking is subtle and deceptive. It wears many faces and hides behind the mask of excuses. It is important to strip away the mask and discover the real, root emotion. |
Illinois Jacquet |
People like to hear songs that they can dance to. Even if they're sitting, they like being made to want to dance and move. By me being a dancer, I know how I'd dance at certain tempos. I was always good at it. |
Christine Ebersole |
I go where the revolution is, and the revolution is Ron Paul. Ron Paul is a champion of the Constitution. He's about getting rid of the Federal Reserve and shrinking federal government. |
George Bernard Shaw |
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. |
Carrie Ann Inaba |
I wasn't a ballet baby. My first dance class was in an outdoor pavilion when I was three. It was called 'creative movement.' The teacher gave us chiffon scarves in beautiful colors. She turned on some music and said, 'Now go dance.' So for me, dance has always been about self-expression. |
Neve Campbell |
There are very few dance companies in the world and you have to be phenomenal. You have to not be injured. You have to have a really strong mind to deal with the dance world. People who can do it are amazing to me. You cannot have a life outside of dance. |
Bruce Jackson |
Well, I think everybody's a little jealous of the Vietnam Wall, even people from wars that already have good monuments. You have a monument like the Wall and nobody ever forgets your war, you can bet on that. |
Geoffrey Canada |
People talk about Wall Street greed, but one of the things many people don't understand is that there are a lot of organizations that have been the recipient of largess from the same Wall Street. |
Maria Cantwell |
It appears that Wall Street is not acting as a force for economic expansion, providing access to capital for companies that make things. Rather, it seems, Wall Street is using government bailouts to lever up. |
I had a dream that I was in a shoe store and there was a wall of shoeboxes and some were sticking out and I had to climb from this platform really high off the ground over to the check-out area near the floor without falling off the wall.
I had a dream that I kept forgetting to put my mask on and I was walking around in public and people thought I was crazy but really I was just forgetful.
Check out Paul Erdos
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datasets of dance moves
"im not a dance, im just drunk.. ohh!! you got me" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8HdxW9rasw
Understanding how buy and sell walls work, and why they indicate the opposite of what you think they do. This is market 101 stuff, but I think a lot of people don't understand this, so I'm going to help explain it.
I'm going to help explain this phenomena, because this is how big players enter or exit a market. This is how they create the liquidity they need, while eliminating the slippage which they don't want. I've had a few people lately that completely didn't understand this, and I figured there could be a lot of new investors (not just crypto, but market investors) that could benefit from a thorough explanation of this maneuver.
sry dad, can't talk, in the middle of a creedence clearwater revival dance off
I had some wacky dreams. I had one where some elderly people were going to get murdered and I somehow knew this but couldn't prevent it. Then I think there was something about cats wearing clothes and then one other dream where I was running around wearing this creepy mask and no shirt in this huge auditorium with dream-like structural integrity.
I had a dream that my friend Sean was teaching linked lists to my friends Jacob and Veronica but they were in like... a dance studio, not a classroom.
if charlie is drunk enough to google, he is drunk enough to dance
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