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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
cauz July 29, 2014, 10:03 a.m.
  • xsziorv
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Lets sum up my last two vivid dreams. Dream 1 we were at a restaurant and I went to the car and was in the back seat and these guys came in the car and were robbing it and I was like heyy Im still here, then they chased me back to the restaurant and I couldn't yell or run barely. Some point after that I went to this really weird town and was like pretending to be this kids dad or something and it was sad and I was on the run. Then the core 4 were all on an island and we were trying to escape and eventually I found a boat, then charlie and ben were there suddenly but we left the girls on the island so I borrowed a boat from the police and then they magically appeared off the island. So that was weird. The other dream from just last night was that I was going to like, vegas but it was really Hawaii and I met some girl from Utah that I seemed to have known, but then partied in Hawaii on this island that actually kind of reminds me of this desert in another dream I had, anyway I also found this guy who "invented" a tree bark that grows hair and it was SUPER cool and interesting for some reason. Like, world changing.