spiders are said to be symbols for manipulation, is something manipulating you? also - poisonous creatures represent a very treacherous or deadly force. a relation ship or a new business or something hats dangerous to you could be the culprit. |
cauz |
July 14, 2014, 9:59 a.m. |
Larry Hagman |
I have thousands and thousands of hats. Some are the most outrageous hats in the world. They are my disguise. I hide beneath them. |
Gilbert K. Chesterton |
The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. |
Gary Hamel |
As human beings, we are the only organisms that create for the sheer stupid pleasure of doing so. Whether it's laying out a garden, composing a new tune on the piano, writing a bit of poetry, manipulating a digital photo, redecorating a room, or inventing a new chili recipe - we are happiest when we are creating. |
Gary Ackerman |
From the U.S. Capitol Building to the White House, our national symbols that represent freedom to so many of us, were built by people who were anything but free. |
Randa Abdel-Fattah |
The hijab, or sikh turban, or Jewish skullcap are all explicit symbols, but they do not represent a threat or affront to others, and have no bearing on the competence, skills and intelligence of a person. |
Roman Jakobson |
The task is to investigate speech sounds in relation to the meanings with which they are invested, i.e., sounds viewed as signifiers, and above all to throw light on the structure of the relation between sounds and meaning. |
Billy Campbell |
On land, you can walk away from people, from unpleasant situations. But when you're on a ship for 14 months with 49 other people, if you don't resolve your issues it literally could mean - and this would be an extreme circumstance - the sinking of the ship. You learn a lot about other people. You learn a lot about yourself. |
Nina Fedoroff |
In many places in the developed world, we eat or waste probably twice as many food calories as we really need. We're wasteful of food. We ship all over the world. We're now realizing that generating the energy to ship the food around the world is also ruining our climate. |
Chris Hadfield |
For the last several years and culminating in six months in orbit next year, I've been training for my third space flight. This one is almost in a category completely different than the previous two, specifically to live in on the space station for six months, to command a space ship and to fly a new rocket ship. |
Chris Abani |
Every successful artist comes from a family - parents or siblings or both - who, although equally gifted, chose not to pursue the treacherous and difficult path of the artist. |
I had a dream that really poisonous spiders were hanging over my bed and I was too tired to move or care.
Bees Can Link Symbols To Numbers, Study Finds (phys.org)
Researchers have trained honeybees to match a character to a specific quantity, revealing they are able to learn that a symbol represents a numerical amount. The discovery, from the same Australian-French team that found bees get the concept of zero and can do simple arithmetic, also points to new approaches for bio-inspired computing that can replicate the brain's highly efficient approach to processing. Associate Professor Adrian Dyer said while humans were the only species to have developed systems to represent numbers, like the Arabic numerals we use each day, the research shows the concept can be grasped by brains far smaller ...
Oh, I didn't think about that. Maybe that's because we were talking about the other one.
Dream Dictionary:
"One of the most common animals found in dreams is the snake." "As creatures that slither along the ground, a snake may represent your subconscious. Sometimes the snake can be found swimming in the water which is also reflective of emotions that you are suppressing. If you dream of a snake insi...
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I had a dream I was driving someone's car and I crashed it and ended up in some mountain. I was walking around this mountain thing and noticed it was sort of moving, then realized it was a giant octopus. It was the middle of the day and it was bright, and everywhere there was darkness there were spiders. Every spot that had no sun was covered with so many spiders that you could barely see through them. I remember knowing the sun was setting and being worried, and then I woke up.
Our brain is subject to Theseus’s paradox, where every part of a ship is thought of as being the same ship even though every part is gradually replaced. Our sense of self is the constant expression of a primitive survival drive that actually shifts endlessly, but gives us the illusion of permanence.
from a spiritual standpoint i see meditation and flying as related to the merkabah spirit ship. water obviously represents concioussness and your floating above it may be related to ego death. you not being able to focus and falling in the water, to me, is representative of the fact if you travel to other dimensions, most people are only able to stay there for short periods of times before coming back to this reality. also i imagine a doctor could represent a monk or ascended master type cuz doctors are related to physical and mental health as well as a professional or expert in the field that you can trust.
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A Chinese-Built Replica of the Titanic Will Set Sail From Dubai in 2022
Great news for Celine Dion fans and James Cameron enthusiasts: The Titanic is set to sail again. From a report:
Titanic II, a replica of the original Titanic, will make its first voyage in 2022. It will have room for 2,400 passengers and 900 crew members and have the same cabin layout and decor as the original legendary ocean liner. The $500 million ship, which will be built in China, is set to make its maiden voyage from Dubai to Southhampton, U.K in 2022. ...
well you were with a friend, so youre not alone. owls represent wisdow i think cats represent reincarnation or magic, and also may be secretly evil (am i wrong? lol) balancing on your raft represents 'staying afloat' in the stream of consciousness im guessing the large guy was like the devil or 'the opps' trying to take you off course / drown you
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I had a dream that Charlsey and I were on the moon and we were packing the space ship so we could go home and the moon looked just like Ben's house and there was plenty of oxygen. We were carrying very large equipment because of the low gravity and our space ship looked like a giant sphere with wrapping staircases around it. We were getting inside and I began to worry about reentering the Earth's orbit.
The hipster-meta-mindset, believe it or not, is poisonous. Irony destroys cultures.
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