There are more hammers and less windows in my house than ever before. |
There are no conversations. |
Swan |
May 19, 2014, 11:04 a.m. |
Julia Cameron |
My new house has a deck that wraps around my writing room; my writing room has many windows, and outside the windows I've hung bird feeders... for enticing different species. So I imagine I will be writing about that. |
Ernst Haas |
Without touching my subject I want to come to the moment when, through pure concentration of seeing, the composed picture becomes more made than taken. Without a descriptive caption to justify its existence, it will speak for itself - less descriptive, more creative; less informative, more suggestive - less prose, more poetry. |
Gaston Bachelard |
If I were asked to name the chief benefit of the house, I should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace. |
James Caan |
I never saw my dad cry. My son saw me cry. My dad never told me he loved me, and consequently I told Scott I loved him every other minute. The point is, I'll make less mistakes than my dad, my sons hopefully will make less mistakes than me, and their sons will make less mistakes than their dads. |
Alec Baldwin |
There's less critical thinking going on in this country on a Main Street level - forget about the media - than ever before. We've never needed people to think more critically than now, and they've taken a big nap. |
Diane Ackerman |
Because we can't escape our ancient hunger to live close to nature, we encircle the house with lawns and gardens, install picture windows, adopt pets and Boston ferns, and scent everything that touches our lives. |
Ina May Gaskin |
If birth matters, midwives matter. In Europe, there are hospitals where the cesarean rate is less than 10%, and you'll find midwives in these hospitals, you'll see a lot less re-admissions with infections and complications, and you'll see a lot less injury to mothers. |
Arne Jacobsen |
And when an architect has designed a house with large windows, which is a necessity today in order to pull the daylight into these very deep houses, then curtains come to play a big role in architecture. |
Jeff Gannon |
I was given a White House - well, you will have to ask the White House that. But I asked to attend the White House briefing because I was, you know, because I wanted to report on the activities there. |
George Matthew Adams |
What you think means more than anything else in your life. More than what you earn, more than where you live, more than your social position, and more than what anyone else may think about you. |
I had a dream that I was married and had a kid and lived in this house that I think I owned. I had a bunch of friends over for something and my wife was outside with the kid. I noticed that our automatic blinds (that completely cover doors and windows) were going down but I didn't hit any buttons. Then I saw the kid on the ground like he had fallen and I was trying to get the blinds open so I could go out but it seemed like someone was messing with them. I eventually got out and then saw that my wife had been shot. I thought to first check for the shooter so I ran to one side of the house (it was really small) and then the other and out into the street. I car was driving toward me very fast and when I ran out it swerved into a tree. I thought that must have been the shooter so then I ran back and got my family in the car to go to the hospital. Yikes.
I had a dream that I was at my parents house helping them with something. There was an earthquake and ground the house was on fell forward into a crack. This didn't damage the house but it made the floors unlevel and you would have to hold onto things to pull yourself up to the rooms in the back of the house. Everyone was outside when it happened and then I was going into the house to get something and I got attacked by a bunch of yellow jackets. I had my hood up and they were going for my neck for some reason so I was trying to shield my face and keep distance between my sweatshirt and my skin but it didn't really work.
I had a dream that I was in someone's house but it wasn't their normal house, it was this huge weird house that had all these rooms with open walls into stairwells and she lived there with her mom. For some reason, I was in the house but no one else was and there was a deer with big pointy antlers walking around and it was going to attack me and I ran in a room and closed the door and it was charging at the door and it's antlers were poking through. It was really angry.
I had a dream that I lived somewhere closer to a mountain range. There was no civilization in view of my backyard. Just mountains. My cat came home through the snowy grass limping and her tail was missing. We got her inside and she was okay but then we saw these large and strange wolves approaching our house. They didn't look as fierce as real wolves. They were fluffier, but knowing that they were dangerous made them scarier somehow. We closed all the windows and doors (european style metal shutters) and waited for them to go away.
NSA-Leaking Shadow Brokers Just Dumped Its Most Damaging Release Yet ( The Shadow Brokers -- the mysterious person or group that over the past eight months has leaked a gigabyte worth of the National Security Agency's weaponized software exploits -- just published its most significant release yet. Friday's dump contains potent exploits and hacking tools that target most versions of Microsoft Windows and evidence of sophisticated hacks on the SWIFT banking system of several banks across the world. Friday's release -- which came as much of the computing world was planning a long weekend to observe the Easter holiday -- contains close to 300 megabytes of materials the leakers said were stolen from the NSA. The contents (a convenient overview is here) included compiled binaries for exploits that targeted vulnerabilities in a long line of Windows operating systems, including Windows 8 and Wi...
I had a dream that my mom loved my sister more than me and was not at all trying to hide it. When I confronted her about it, she agreed but made excuses for it. Francis bought her a present and she was rude and rejecting of it.
Also in my dream, the smoke alarm in my house went off, and we went outside and saw that our next-door neighbors' house was burning down. I tried to call the police, but they were being really unhelpful. In the end, I'm pretty sure the wife/mother in the house died, and maybe one or two of the kids, too. I felt partially responsible, but maybe just in a survivors'-guilt way.
""Get the fuck out of my house""
"A 'house', oh interesting. Never heard of a house, looks pretty good."
"Tastes much better than the couch did."
This post is a comment.
I feel like I keep getting so close to remembering my dreams in detail but most of them I still forget. I had one though where my boss lived in my grandmas house and we worked in the house and I was outside hanging up laundry and the wind picked up. I looked up and saw a tornado forming and heading straight toward me and so I ran inside and down the basement stairs and my boss was like "come this way" and we went through all these underground tunnels by moving parts of the wall out of the way and crawling around and the tornado went away but then somehow we ended up in an attic above the house (doesn't exist in real life). Not sure how that happened.
I had a dream that I was standing on top of my house and the chimney fell and crushed the other part of the house and all these critters ran out of the walls. Then this giant spider crawled out and I had to kill it. I squished it but it was like as big as my torso and it was like popping a balloon. Very weird.
What's the Most Sophisticated Piece of Software Ever Written?
An anonymous reader writes: Stuxnet is the most sophisticated piece of software ever written, given the difficulty of the objective: Deny Iran's efforts to obtain weapons grade uranium without need for diplomacy or use of force, John Byrd, CEO of Gigantic Software (formerly Director of Sega and SPM at EA), argues in a blog post, which is being widely shared in developer circles, with most agreeing with Byrd's conclusion.
He writes...