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Main Conversations Thoughts Quotes
Hidden User March 18, 2014, 11:29 p.m.
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Advanced Hybrid Peer to Peer Botnet. The botnet requires no bootstrap procedure.

The botnet communicates via the peer list contained in each bot. However, unlike Slapper [8], each bot has a fixed and limited size peer list and does not reveal its peer list to other bots. In this way, when a bot is captured by defenders, only the limited number of bots in its peer list are exposed.

A botmaster could easily monitor the entire botnet by issuing a report command. This command instructs all (or partial) bots to report to a specific compromised machine (which is called a sensor host) that is controlled by the botmaster. The IP address of the sensor host, which is specified in the report command, will change every time a report command is issued to prevent defenders from capturing or blocking the sensor host beforehand.

After collecting information about the botnet through the above report command, a botmaster, if she thinks necessary, could issue an update command to actively let all bots contact a sensor host to update their peer lists. This effectively reorganizes the botnet such that it has a balanced and robust connectivity, and/or reconnects a broken botnet.

Only bots with static global IP addresses that are accessible from the Internet are candidates for being in peer lists (they are called servent bots according to P2P terminologies [12] since they behave with both client and server features). This design ensures that the peer list in each bot has a long lifetime.

Each servent bot listens on a self-determined service port for incoming connections from other bots and uses a self-generated symmetric encryption key for incoming traffic. This individualized encryption and individualized service port design makes it very hard for the botnet to be detected through network flow analysis of the botnet communication traffic.
Use a popular Internet service, such as HTTP or Email, for report to a sensor. The sensor is chosen such that it normally provides such a service to avoid exhibiting abnormal network traffic.

Use several sensor machines instead of a single sensor.

Select sensor hosts that are harder to be shut down or monitored, for example, compromised machines in other countries with minimum Internet security and International collaboration.

Manually verify the selected sensor machines are not honeypots (see further discussion in Section 9 ).

Wipe out the hard drive on a sensor host immediately after retrieving the report data.

Specify expiration time in report command to prevent any bot exposing itself after that time.

Issue another command to the botnet to cancel the previous report command once the botmaster knows that the sensor host has been captured by defenders.
Hidden User March 18, 2014, 11:29 p.m.
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sorry for filling your website up with hacker shit buddy
Hidden User March 19, 2014, 12:40 a.m.
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s'all good